05 | Badass Bella

Start from the beginning

"Jacob, just leave," Bella pleaded.

"What the hell is going on out here?" Charlie's voice echoed as he hurried toward the scene from the front door.

The myriad of teenagers grew silent. Everyone's gaze seemed to naturally fall on Jacob. Jasper and Lorelai were completely unaware of what was going on, but that didn't mean she wouldn't gladly join a fight for Bella's basic rights as a human being.

"I kissed Bella," Jacob revealed. "And she broke her hand." He paused as Lorelai, Jasper, and Charlie's gazes fell to Bella's injured wrist. "Punching my face. Total misunderstanding."

"You are digging your own grave by this point, I swear to—" Lorelai started.

"We will talk about this later," Charlie interrupted. He turned to Bella. "We should get you to the hospital."

"I can take her to Carlisle," Edward offered, gently taking Bella's uninjured hand.

"Absolutely not. I'll take her," Lorelai denied. "Bella needs some time away from the crazy, even if it's for five minutes." She took her sister's arm, pulling her toward her. She shot Jacob a cold glare. "If you ever try and pull something like that again, I swear to God I will be your worst nightmare, Jacob Black. Don't talk to her, don't look at her, and frankly, don't look at me until you learn what the fuck consent means."

Then, Lorelai took Bella and dragged her over to Jasper's car, leaving Jasper to linger for a moment.

"Man, I love that girl," Jasper said, mostly to himself.

Then, he turned around and joined his girlfriend and her sister back at his car.

○ ○ ○

Sooner rather than later, the Swan sisters reconvened at the Cullen household. Carlisle was overlooking Bella's hand, inspecting the damage. "It's just a sprain," he explained while wrapping Bella's hand. "It should heal quickly."

"Wait," interrupted Lorelai, who had been standing beside the man she viewed as a father. "Can I try something?"

Carlisle paused before shrugging. He stepped over to allow Lorelai to move forward. She took Bella's injured wrist in her hands, ignoring how Bella winched slightly at her sister's body temperature. Lorelai often forgot that she was as cold as an ice cube.

Lorelai closed her eyes for a moment before suddenly opening them again. The Manipulator, still holding Bella's wrist, moved it around carelessly before grinning widely. "What... What did you do?" Bella asked in surprise, not feeling an ounce of pain from the movement.

"I manipulated your bones and muscles to heal themselves," Lorelai declared with a prideful grin. Ever since she met Stella and learned they could both manipulate time, it seemed that Lorelai had been searching for every opportunity to test her gift. "I'm so badass You're welcome."

With that being said, Emmett entered the room. "Trying to walk and chew gum again, Bella?" he greeted, sitting up on the countertop. Jasper stood near them, but not close enough to cause Bella to feel suffocated. Rosalie was sitting on the couch, skimming through the newspaper.

Bella paused before a small smile detailed her face. "I, uh, punched a werewolf in the face," she quietly said.

Emmett smirked. "Badass."

Lorelai folded her arms over her chest. "I manipulate Bella's body into healing itself and she's the badass one," mumbled Lorelai. She rolled her eyes and looked back at Bella. "You think you're so badass? Alright, punch me in the face."


"You heard me. Punch me in the face."

"Rory, what exactly do you get out of this?" asked Bella.

"I just wanna see how badass my little sister really is," innocently answered Lorelai. "C'mon, just think about all the times I've annoyed you. This might be your only chance to get out all that pent-up annoyance toward me."

Bella paused, silent. "Bella, you don't have to—" started Edward. However, he was interrupted by Bella cranking her fist back and punching Lorelai as hard as she possibly could, which really wasn't painful at all.

Bella immediately stumbled backwards into Edward, her face contorted with agony. Lorelai laughed. "And that is how badass my little sister really is," she said. "You wanna fuck with the Eagles, baby sister, you have to learn how to fly. Now, let me fix your hand again, stupid."

As Lorelai took Bella's injured hand, Edward gave the girl an annoyed look. "Why would you let her do that? I thought you wanted to protect her?"

Lorelai shrugged, using her manipulative abilities to fix Bella's hand. "I do want to protect her. However, she has to learn through trial and error, not through her boyfriend making all the calls for her," Lorelai simply stated.

"Aw, don't worry, little sis," Emmett chimed in, his arrogant smirk remaining on his face. "I thought your magic trick was impressive."

Rory smiled at him. "Thank you!"

Emmett glanced back at Bella. "Still, Bella's gonna be one tough, little newborn."

Bella smirked. "Tough enough to take you on," she teased, feeling high and mighty with her healed hand. Lorelai just rolled her eyes again.

With that being said, Rosalie suddenly stood up from where she sat and stormed out of the room, throwing the newspaper onto the coffee table in annoyance.

Lorelai watched as she stepped onto the balcony outside. Lorelai didn't know much about Rosalie's past; however, she did know that if she could choose, Rosalie would still be human. According to Jasper, at least. Before anyone could react, Bella decided to go outside to talk with the brooding blonde.

Edward glanced over between Jasper, Emmett, and Lorelai. "Got any leads?" he asked.

"Still no sign of the intruder," Emmett told them. "But Victoria still continues to make appearances."

Lorelai groaned and walked over to throw herself onto the couch. "I'm so tired of that bitch," she said, her voice muffled due to the couch pillow. "I'm telling you, if I'm not the one who kills her, it'll be because I was the one recording her death and putting it on YouTube."

Revised: January 6th, 2020
even though i barely did shit to this chapter, it's fucking gold lmao

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