Chapter 13. Doubts

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My mother suddenly came to sit next to me then said while stroking my head "It seems like they've brainwashed you Andreas. Can't you see that this is exactly what the Lockwood's want. They lure you in with their pretty faces and then when they have already won your heart they hurt you. It looks like people were right when they were saying that Micah Lockwood isn't the king's true mate otherwise he would have felt it when Micah Lockwood was being unfaithful to him".

 I was lost in my thoughts and didn't know what to believe anymore because my mother seemed to be right about one thing and that was that you as a mate could feel it when your mate was being intimate with someone else. My father told me once that when your mate decides to cheat on you, you'll feel a pain in your heart that is comparable with the pain of being rejected.

Layla suddenly came to sit on the floor in front of me then asked me while grabbing my hand "You have been having this feelings for Noah since he held you in his arms that night when the pack was attacked right, Andreas?" I only nodded with my head at Layla because i was too much in distress to answer her question. Layla smiled broadly at me then continued with "Well, that says it all then Andreas because i think that he did something to your wolf that night. We were so happy before the whole Lockwood family came to live here. I wouldn't be surprised if we later discover that they put a spell on the whole town when they arrived here".

"You're right Layla" said my mother to support Layla's claim then continued with "Noah probably wanted to make a fool out of you Andreas just like his brother did with the king. You're lucky that you discovered the truth before you made any mistakes. Layla is forgiving and she's willing to put this whole Noah fiasco behind her". Was Noah truly playing with me i asked myself and if he truly was then why did i feel a strong connection with him.

I decided to talk to Noah myself to try to find out what the truth was and was just about to stand up when Layla suddenly cupped my face and kissed me. I wanted to push her away from me but suddenly all my concerns about Noah floated away and my mind was filled with Layla. My wolf Gael whimpered in pain in the back of my mind but i ignored him because i was too mesmerized by Layla's kiss. My kiss with Layla felt much better than my kisses with Noah and i suddenly felt from that moment on that Layla was my true mate.

"I'm sorry Layla" i whispered to Layla while hugging her and Layla replied to me with "I love you Andreas". My mother then said while placing a kiss on my head "Welcome back my beautiful son" and my father gave me a pat on my back. It felt like Noah was now just a distance memory for me and i sighed in relief. My father then asked me suddenly "What are going to do if Noah doesn't want to eccept the reality and keeps being persistent Andreas?"

I sighed when i heard my father's question then replied to him with "I'll tell him that he needs to find another victim because i won't be played for fool anymore". My father smiled broadly at me and Layla squealed from happiness hearing my answer. My father then said "I'm sorry for keeping you from school and your friends Andreas you can go to school from tomorrow on". I looked puzzled at my father but he just smiled at me then added "I think you have suffered enough Andreas so your punishment is over".

I hugged my father tightly then said to him "Thank you so much dad, i promise you that i won't disappoint you". The whole atmosphere of the house became lighter after our talk but it was odd that my wolf Gael was still quiet. He probably needs some time to reflect on what we did to Layla i said to myself and i was just about to hug my mother to thank her for her support when i suddenly heard Noah ask me through our mind link "Are you alright Andreas because i can feel your wolf Gael's pain".

I huffed at Noah then replied to him through our mind link with "You don't need to concern yourself with me anymore Noah because you have other things like your brother's divorce to worry about at this moment". I then cut off our mind link before Noah could even reply back to me but i couldn't ignore the fact that my wolf's ear perked up when he heard Noah's voice. I decided to talk to Noah when i saw him at school the next day and happily joined my father when he asked me to go for a run with him.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon