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Alyssa stood in front of the mirror and sighed as she brushed her dark hair out of her face. Alyssa was returning to Holby ED as a doctor. She was anxious about it all. She hadnt been back since she learnt Cal had cheated on her and broken her heart. She sighed as she looked down to her daughter, Ella. Ella was alyssa's world and Alyssa knew that once she returned to work that cal would know that she had his daughter. Alyssa was terrifed and she had trust issues due to him, due to him cheating on her. She didnt want to see cal again, but it had been over a year and she knew that she had to face him. Even if it meant him knowing about Ella. She had told Cal that she was pregnant as she left but he didnt know if she had his baby even if he was left wondering if she had his baby. Alyssa smiled as she picked up her baby girl and kissed her head slighlty as she cuddled into Alyssa. Ella was a lot like cal. She looked like him and her personality was simply him. "are you ready to go see your daddy baby? im sure that im not" Alyssa said as Ella looked up at with interest.


Alyssa got to work and sighed as she stood from the car. She grabbed Ella from the car seat and held her on her hip and sighed to herself as she walked into the ED. She saw Cal who looked straight at her and dropped he file that he was holding "lyssa?" he said as she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat "Cal" she said as he walekd over to her "its good to see you" he said as she rolled her eyes "well, i cant say the same for you" Alyssa said as Cal looked to Ella and smiled "our daughter?" he asked as Alyssa held Ella close "no, my daughter. You are just the sperm donor" Alyssa said as she walekd off towards the crèche where she dropped Ella off.

Alyssa walked back to the ED and sighed as she looked to Cal and sighed "what do you want?" she asked as he sighed "im sorry, okay. I know i hurt you" "hurt me? no, you broke my heart Cal all i say is i hope that she is worth it. That is if you remember her name" Alyssa said as Cal sighed "look, i get it but she is my daughter and i want to be in her life" Cal said as Alyssa looked to him and smirked "you dont even know her name" she said as he smirked "Ella, you always wanted to call your daughter that" he said as Alyssa rolled her eyes "that proves that you know, no knew me nothing more" Alyssa said as she walked off.


Alyssa stood by reception as Iain walked in and smiled as he saw her "i heard that you were back, i heard you and Cal had a fight over a baby that you had?" he asked as Alyssa nodded "hes the sperm donor that's all" Alyssa said as Iain smiled and nodded "i get it, trust me but would letting Cal being involved be a bad thing?" Iain asked as Alyssa sighed and looked to him "yes, it would be because he would let her down, let he did with me and i wont let that happen" Alyssa said as Iain nodded and pulled her into a hug. Unaware that Cal stood watching on and glared at them, he wanted her back, he wanted his family back and he wasnt going to stop until it happened.

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