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Alyssa sat in the hospital Room as the door opened. She looked up and smiled as she looked to him as he walked over and sat on the bed

"she's yours. I have the results to prove it" alyssa said as he grabbed a hold of the small baby and smiled

"I can't believe it" he said as Alyssa smiled

"she's yours cal" Alyssa I said as cal looked to her and smiled "she looks like Ella" he said as Alyssa smiled

"I thought we could. call her poppy" Alyssa said as cal smiled

"it's perfect. Are you okay with her being mine" he asked as she smiled

"yeah I guess. I just feel bad for Iain. I know he wanted to make it up to me for bailee and him and he was hoping she was his and part of me wanted to so I can keep a hold of the relationship but I knew it was over, I knew that minute I slept with you again and again" Alyssa said as she looked to cal as he held poppy and smiled

"I missed out on this with Ella. I don't want to miss out on a thing with poppy I am her father and I want to be. I don't want to miss out on a thing" cal said as she frowned

"how do you suggest we do that" Alyssa asked

"I move in with you for a bit, you have stitches and we have a toddler and a new born. It's only temporary so I can look after you" cal said as Alyssa frowned feeling unsure  
Alyssa smiled as she sat feeding poppy as bailee walked on "I hear your being discharged tomorrow" bailee said as Alyssa nodded

"and I can't wait. I'm so tired and want to sleep in my own bed" Alyssa said as bailee smiled

"if you have come in to ask go on" Alyssa said

"sorry, and?"

"She's cals. He says he doesn't want to miss out on a thing and that he wanted to be involved like fully involved and it scared me. I don't know what to think. He wants to move in until I'm more mobile" Alyssa said a bailee smiled

"I know it's hard to trust cal after everything and I know part of you wanted it to be isin as she felt it would be easier but she's cals baby and Ella is cals. Maybe you just consider it I mean it is only temporary and Iain is upset that she is not his but he gets it and he doesn't want any bad blood with you both" bailee said

"and you and Iain going to try" Alyssa asked

"as friends, were going to have this baby but right now neither of us want anything more. We need to put her first. She is what matters" bailee said as she rested a hand on her bump and Smiled

"your going to be a great mum, I know you are" Alyssa said as bailee looked to her and smiled

Alyssa looked as cal walked in with Ella

"mumma" Ella said as she ran over. Alyssa looked to her and smiled as cal lifted her onto the bed

"have you been good for daddy"

"es, i good" Ella said as Alyssa smiled as she pulled Ella close and kissed her

"I missed her, I can't believe we have two under two. I know she's two in a few months but still" Alyssa said as cal smiled

"I know" he said as Alyssa and cal held a look for a moment

"I'm willing to try, to try and live with you temporarily although we aren't sleeping together" Alyssa said as cal smiled

"whatever you say" cal said as she looked to him and smirked but how long could they continue to ignore their feelings for?

My baby daddy (Casualty)Where stories live. Discover now