The End is Near, Isnt It? -(W/n)

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We did exactly what I had said, We became Mates.

Our love was Sweet and filled with Promises that We Knew couldn't be kept, He was going to attack the Clans, and Claim the forest as his own.

But It didn't go as planned he had been killed after getting revenge on TigerStar, He ended up dying, Right in front of you.

It couldn't be Helped.

You Didn't Even get the Chance to Share your wonderful news with him.

You had planned on telling him after the Battle was over.

You had Faith that he would return to you, Safe and Sound.

But StarClan must of cursed you.

They must of Thought your relationship was....


a disgrace as they cursed your Mate to Death.

You couldn't Hate StarClan for taking away your Mate.

But you weren't happy either.

You weren't Happy you couldn't tell him....

Tell Him...

He would of Been a Father.

Maybe it was for the best, Your Kits wouldnt have to grow up in a dark place like BloodClan.

Yet you knew you wouldn't be able to let them know anything about BloodClan.

     Your ClanMates that new about your problem with the Blood Clan leader were suspicious that your Kits would of been his. and they were Right, they were his. One Happened to be an exact copy of your Mate, You Decided to name him TinyKit seeing as nobody would know about Scourge's Previous name before he became Scourge. You Had another Tom, His pelt was dark yet the markings on it were yours. and lastly you had a She, Her pelt was similar to yours, She had a single white paw like her father and Blue eyes like him as well.

"(W/n) W-Whose's K-Kits are these?" FireStar's Voice Shook as he looked at his beloved Kin, as she nursed her kits. "Surely, FireStar you know Whose's they are" She had murmured, Sharply. Her eyes held grief as she looked at her kits, she couldn't bare to bring her gaze toward the tom that had killed Her Mate, Her Love, Her Kits Father.

~Time Skipple!~ A Few Moons~

Your Kits were happily running around camp, as they explored every part of it. Of course you made sure they stayed within your line of sight as they explored. TinyKit was Happily chasing after the Apprentices, while ElmKit was happily following His Little Sister, BlueKit. You enjoyed watching them running around, Wondering if they would of been the same if Scourge was still alive.


The Word rung in your head sadly as you thought about your dead Mate. One day you would see eachother again. Even if you had to do something incredibly Mouse-Brained to get to Him. You'd Happily do it, You'd Happily wonder around the DarkForest with him. If it Meant you could see him Again.

I Feel bad for the Sucky ending, and how short it is but I've been meaning to end this for a long time and i Feel like some of you are going to hate me for ending it like this but to be honest I've Lost interest in the Warrior Cat series at the moment.


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