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You padded down the alleyway every fiber of your being telling you to turn back and run for your life. You suddenly stopped as you saw the lean black tom with blazing blue eyes. " Glad you could make it. I was about after you but I guess I don't have to any more." He mewed. You looked at him your eyes dull and almost lifeless. They then sparked with fury and rage "Why are you doing this? Why are you threatening me and my clan? Why do you want me so much!?!?!" You hissed unable to to keep your thought to yourself. " You should know why. I want you by my side again." He mewed his cold icy blue gaze shifted to one with sorrow and warmth as he looked at you. "Again? What do you mean I've never met you" He looked down regret written all over his face.

I know this is a really short chappy but I felt bad that I haven't posted anything in forever so I decided to write this short chap..... I'm so so so so so sorry

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