Chapter 7

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"Of course, as a detective investigating o this matter, he would be able to destroy the evidence on what he does." Mary realizes, "And i was an eyewitness!" she thought shockingly. Mary and Fred runs into a room,inside the room was an unpleasant view. There was the corpse of the young child on the floor with a symbol drawn with blood, candles surround the child, as if it was some kind of ritual was being held here. The child's eyes have been hollowed out and is filled with some kind of liquid, Fred closes in to inspect it, "Gas." said Fred

Once again they here footsteps and dripping blood, "Where are you, come on Mary, i'm trying to help you." the detective says as he licks his knife of any blood. The footsteps get closer to the room. Mary and Fred both hide in a wardrobe, inside are hangars hanging rotting pelt, pelt? rotting skins, "Makes me want to puke." said Fred. the footsteps enter the room, Fred tries holding it in. While the detective looks around the room for anyone, Fred makes a grunting noise, the detective's eyes peel open, bloodshot. He heard that. As he walks closer and closer, a scream is heard from another room in the building, he stops turns around and leaves. When they get out of the closet, Fred vomits almost immediately.
A blood trail can be seen leaving the room, "We are NOT going that way." said Fred, Mary finds a bottle of gas and left over matches on the ground, "Might be useful." she thought.

As they walk down a hallway Fred sees a dead body holding a hammer, its been dead long. Fred picks up a hammer and clenches his fists, "This place is terrifying." Fred whispers, "Eh, seems pretty normal to me." Mary jokes.
They continue exploring the house, eventually, they come across a telephone with a sign above it saying "Don't risk it", the phone is old but seems to work. Next to the room with the phone is a room with an old looking crusty wooden door. planks are nailed onto the door. Fred uses the hammer to take of the wooden planks nailed on the door. They open the door, it leads outside, but they aren't free just yet. There is a gate separating outside and the building, Mary starts calling the police, across the road is a sign that says Earlham Road, the beeping of the phone echoes through the building, this of course, alerts the detective. Heavy footsteps are heard coming down the hall, Mary is still talking on the phone to the police, so Fred gets a table and puts it between them and the rest of the hallway, the detective arrives. as he gets closer, Fred pushes the table onto him, and he pushes back. "Are you done?" Fred asks in haste. "Wait!" Mary shouts, "Im running out of strength!" said Fred loudly. "Ok i'm done!" shouts Mary as she knocks the detective's hand with the hammer, breaking his fingers while Fred uses the table to push him down to the ground.

Mary takes out the bottle of gas, spills it on the exit ground and attempts to light a fire using the left over matches.
"He's getting up!" said Fred, "Way to state the obvious." Mary grumbles as she finally lights a fire, the detective gets up and runs at them, right before Mary drops the match onto the gas. Comes out the flames of sweet victory. The fire spreads and covers the wooden exit. "Whew, finally." said Fred relieved, "That was one hell of a ride!" exclaimed Mary, "Now we wait for the police to arrive." said Fred.

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