Chapter 1

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Another day another miserable day in school or so the saying goes in MountainPeak high school,a weirdly named school with five floors looming above us covering the sunlight and ironically,the principal decided that the school should be painted fully in orange to show how bright we are. The class bell rings, they mark the sign of impending doom by homework and math unless you're good at math,then thats just great, you could be a scientist when you grow up and cure cancer,actually you'll need biology for that,back on track now."Pssst,Boxhead,how do i get pass question 8?" asked Mary a young girl in her Senior year of high school,"I told you to stop calling me that,if you don't stop calling me Boxhead every single time we talk in maths then i'll stop helping you with homework." says Boxhead in a salty manner."Ok fine,Fred.How do i get past question 8?"pleads Mary,"That wasn't so hard was it, by the way, we have like 60 questions to do and you're stuck at 8? i bet a gorilla would do better than you." mocks Fred a rather youthful boy who was just a year younger than everyone in his class."Just tell me how to do it already!" sulks Mary fiddling with her pen that. As Fred was explaining to Mary on how to solve question number 8,the teacher notices this discussion which is to be expected as it occurs on a daily basis."Mary,can you come up here and tell the whole class on how to do question number 61." says Mr.Adam,"But aren't we only supposed to only finish till the 60th question?!" asked Mary confused and also frustrated as she already has trouble completing the previous tasks, "What if i told you that if you are able to do this correctly,i'll cut down the homework by 5 questions? its on the same topic anyway so you should have no trouble doing it." offers Mr.Adam as he fixes his malicious glare at Fred while he pretends not to notice."Deal!" Mary accepts eagerly,but after some intense thought processing she is unable to even understand what the question is asking."It seems you are unable to take on my offer,as a gift for your chitchat with Fred in the back,you will be rewarded the prize of more homework.Your homework shall be extended to question 75." says Mr.Adam smirking. "That was dumb of me." thought Mary while lamenting in her agony."You know, you wouldn't have received that punishment if you took your time to study maths more properly." says Fred,"Yeah well you cant blame me for not having a brain as smart as yours." Mary complains, "I can blame you for being such a lazy sloth all the time though, and don't make excuses by comparing brainpower." teases Fred. "Hey can i drop by at your house after school?" asked Mary, "What for?" asked Fred. "To do my mountain pile of homework of course, i need you to fill me in on all the delicious info."Mary said, "Whats in it for me exactly?" asked Fred, "I'll complete that level on M*rio Odyssey that you cant get through." says Mary."Yes finally! I've been waiting so long for this moment." screams Fred. "Don't get too worked up,we are far from the the end of school." says Mary."Oh yeah,forgot about how we're still in school right now,i got too excited for a moment there." says Fred disappointed. "What's our next lesson by the way?" asked Mary,"Biology." says Fred,Mary checks her phone and immediately bolts her way through the long hallway to the next class,followed by Fred realizing that they are nearly late for the next period.

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