Chapter 6

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After the lessons at school, Mary walks home with Fred so that she can do some homework at his house, then play video games on the consoles that she doesn't have at home. Its quite late, around 6: 30 p.m. . The sun is almost starting to set and they've hardly seen anyone around the area. They begin hearing footsteps walking behind them, but its probably just someone else walking down the path. As they proceed, the footsteps get closer and closer, Mary then sees a shadow looming over next to her, but before she could look back to see who it was, she blacks out.

Mary wakes up at what seems to be a dark room with only on light bulb hanging from the ceiling. the room has rusted pipes nailed to the walls that lead out of the room, on the adjacent side of the room is a steel reinforced wooden door, most likely locked. Mary tries to move her body to no prevail, she was tied up by whoever got her here. She turns her head around, only to find that Fred has also been brought here,along with several other people who are still unconcious, he is still out cold though. She wakes him up and he screams,waking up the other people, a few seconds after his scream, footsteps are heard coming towards the room, it gets closer and closer. Mary and Fred pretends to be unconscious, so does the others, except for a child who starts crying. When the door opens, a man in a red cloak comes in and tells the child to be quiet, the child stops crying, he seems to understand the man because he is about five to eight years old. The man in the cloak proceeds to slit the child's throat, then shoving the knife down the child's throat, keeping it there, until the child- no, the body, stops twitching. He then drags the body out of the room, leaving a bloody trails along the way, the door slams shut. Mary whispers to Fred "See the rusted pipe there? the one with a lose nail, use your rope to loosen it until it falls so that the pipe with burst.", Fred then does so. The pipe bursts and lets a strange liquid substance ooze out of it. "Now cut your rope with the broken pipe." whispered Mary, after they cut their ropes of, Mary breaks of the broken pipe and keeps it in her pocket. "I have an idea." Mary tells Fred as she frees the rest of the people, "I need you to scream again." said Mary, "Wait-AAAAAHHHHHHHH." said Fred as Mary pinches his hand. Loud footsteps are heard walking down to the room, Mary and Fred stand next to the door. As the door opens, Fred tackles the man, Mary then uses the rusty pipe to stab and nail the cloaked man's hand to the ground. They captured all immediately run out of the room. Mary manages to get a glimpse of the cloaked man's face before she leaves, it was the detective.

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