Entry #12

373 2 0

Wow haven't updated in a while. 

Oh whale. 

So this crush x reader is gonna be different. So basically, you get a glimpse of my life, and I'll turn my experiences into cxrs, which is basically what I have done with this one, and many others.

I will update this, along with my own real diary, every day except one weekends, or on days that I found boring.

I was wondering if I should do separate chapters (a.k.a entries of my diary).

By the way, I am starting where I left off in my own diary, and that was entry 12. So,


Hope you enjoy.


Entry #12

March 16, 2018

3:52 pm

Dear Diary,

           Today was going to be the day I tell c/n I like him. Keyword: was. 

       This time, I didn't have an unreasonable excuse, like every other time. He wasn't at school, so I couldn't really tell him and I couldn't text him because he had no social media's, not that I know about. 

I wanted to write him a letter about my feelings, but I felt like it was to cliche. Since today is Friday, I can't really tell him that I like him tomorrow 'cause it's Saturday. So, I decided to confess to him on Monday or Tuesday. I just want to tell him as soon as possible.

I still don't know how to tell him that I want to talk to him, or where I am going to confess. Of course I wouldn't confess at the lunch tables because of many, many people around the bench he and his fellow peers sit on. (Insert the most inappropriate guy you know), the crazy inappropriate kid, sits there, and "Walrus Weirdo" sit there with him, even though they don't even talk to each other. C/b/f  

 Entry #13

March 19, 2018

Dear Diary

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