A sad Crush x Reader - it's not like i like her

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I don't even know.

"I like him."

He doesn't like me.

"I heard him say things."

Nothing very important.

"He said something about you."

It's something I wouldn't ever forget.

"It's not like I like her!" 

Oh, how this stuck to me. 

"It's not like I like you or anything!"

Can I just forget that for a second?

"He really said that."

For just a tiny little millisecond?

"He said you were annoying."

He doesn't think of me like I think of him.

"Do you really  like him?"

Well, I wish I could tell you the truth. 

"She's not my type, but..."

Couldn't hear the rest.

"She's way too mean."

Just stop thinking like this.

"Who is she?"

Don't know. 

Don't care.

"She's Korean?!"

So many girls are Korean.

"She's Latina?"

So many girls are Latina.

"Why do you like him?"

Never would understand.

"What if it's you?"

Probably not me.

"I think its you."

It's really you,

my friend, 

not me.


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