The 3 Amigos

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After school, Mas and Mais took Mimi with them to the T car and she explained to the the titans. "Mimi, this is very dangerous, are you sure you want to come along?" Robin bent down to the 12 year old. "I'm not just a little kid, you know!" she crossed her arms, he didn't understand. "What do you mean?" She broke out in laughter. "Dude, I think she's crazy!" whispered Cyborg. Actually I'm just abnormal! Victor jumped up. "Dude she's a telepath!" he laughed then high-fived her. "Espera así entonces usted supiera lo que hemos estado diciendo todo este tiempo leyendo nuestras mentes?" said Mas, "Exactly!" Mimi said. The team looked even more confused, "You speak the Spanish?" asked Star, the girl shook her head. "No I can read their minds and I know what thy are saying, they just asked me if I could understand them through thought!" 

They all stood there in shock. The T party van came to a stop outside the hind out. East were on there way leaving only Star, Robin, Cyborg, Mas, Mais and Mimi. "OK Mimi do you know any extra ways in, with out getting spotted." asked Robin. She nodded and led them to an old dunk tank. It was full of freezing cold water and the seat was covered in moss and dust. "If I go it that my circuits will fry!" he crossed his robot arms. "Don't worry you don't need to touch to the water." she sat on the chair. "Mas, Mais would you mind hitting the 3rd line on the target?" they did as she said. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, the wall behind her opened up and the chair flung her back onto a metal slide. Mas and Mais started to fight over who would go next. They were all waiting for Star to come down, "It does not look the safe!" she cried, her voice echoed off the metal slide. "Common girl, Rae and B could be in danger!" called Cyborg. "Star don't worry I'll catch you!" called Robin, she smiled. "OK!" their was a slight rumble as she came down and, as he promised he caught her. "Thank you boy friend Robin!" she clapped her hands. "That was most enjoyable!" she kissed him on the cheek. 



Garfield and Raven were back in their room. They we're both trying to fall asleep on the sofa. "Gar? Are you awake?" she whispered, "Yeah, can't sleep!"

"Me too!" they both sighed. "I'm scared!" she whispered. He got up and laid in front of her, she wrapped her arms around him. "Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you!" he licked her cheek, she smiled and kissed his head. he lightly purred as she fell asleep.  They were both in a deep sleep. During the night someone came into their room, they lifted Garfield up from under her arms and carried him out of the room. He started to whimper, he was having a nightmare, but little did he know, the real one had just began. 

The Dream (bbrae fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara