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"That's my boy!" said Cy

"I your sure it is the wise to be spying on them?" asked Star.

"Raven's powers are strong Star, we need to make sure nothing bad happens." Lied Robin. The group were watching them on in the common room on the main screen. "Look their still going, B you sly dog!" laughed Cyborg. Star didn't think it was right to be watching them, however she was happy to see her friends like that. They all sat down on the sofa, even Silky was watching. "How long have they been doing the kissing?"

"Over 2 minutes." smiled Robin, "I don't think they've stopped at all!" They all kept watching.

They stopped. Raven smiled when she backed away, then she remembered her powers. She check the room then Beast Boy. "I told you!" he said starring at her. She laughed and hugged him. "What are we going to say the others?" he let go of her and pointed to a camera in the corner of the room. The red light was flashing, "I think they all ready know." he laughed.

They left her room and went down together. They come into the room holding hands. The team cheered them as they walked in. "You two must have broken a world record up there!" Cyborg laughed.

"Why didn't you tell us Beast Boy?" asked Robin. Beast boy looked over at him. 

"You know!" he snapped, "Who told you?" he asked. He pointed to Star. "I did not, I only found out this myself!" Beast Boy looked over at Star then to Raven. "She's not lying."

"But Star told me last night!" protested Robin. Raven smiled and started to laugh. "Passion!"

"That little bitch, she promised." Joked B. He stopped laughing, his ears twitched he turned to the door. "What is it?" asked Robin. Beast Boy started to growl, he put Raven behind him. "Someone's in the tower!" he said still watching the door. 

The Dream (bbrae fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora