Dinner Time

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They threw her into a small dressing room, it had a small dressing table and a long clothe rack with millions of dresses on it. The room also had a small red sofa, big enough to sleep on and a broken light switch. When Raven looked around she found a small note on the side, she didn't want to hear anymore bad news, so she ignored it and sat down. She started to cry into one of the pillows on the sofa, "Get a grip girl!" a voice said from the speakers, Harley Quinn! "Read that note or else!" Raven got up and started to read, 


Put on one of those dresses, at 6:00pm we'll bring you down for dinner!

Most of the dresses were green or purple, some red and black. After some looking she found one her style. She waited in her room until 6 and the goons came back. They took her to a big hall with a long table that ended at a wall. "Raven!" a voice cried, "Gar?" she looked around. "Where are you?" she asked. No one else was there yet, just her. "I'm right in front of you, I can see you!" he said. The voice was coming from the wall where the table ended, "You can see me through a brick wall?" she heard a slap, "It's one way glass remember!" she nodded and sat down in the seat closest to him, "You look amazing!" he said sadly, "I'm scared!" she said he started to whimper, "Are they hurting you?!" she asked panicked, "Yes and no, it's the pain again." she put her hand on the wall, it suddenly felt warmer where her hand was, he put his on the glass as well. Suddenly the doors flung open, "Aw poor you, so close yet so far!" laughed the Joker.

"You ass hole let me out of here!" yelled B. The joker pulled the remote out, "No please he didn't mean it!" yelled Raven. The joker shrugged and put it away, Duela, Harley and the Joker all sat down at the front of the table. The goons came with five hot bowls of soup, they laid them out in front of them. On the wall they slid open a small crack and passed Beast Boy the soup, Raven saw them and had an idea. "Are you not eating Raven?" asked Duela, Raven shook her head, "For all I know it could be poisoned!" she said and crossed her arms. "Don't worry Rae, it's not that bad actually!" she turned to the wall, "You ate it already?!" the joker started to laugh, "Well someone was hungry!" laughed Duela. "What I didn't have breakfast!" all the clowns started to laugh, Raven tried the soup, he was right not bad at all.

When they were all done with the started the goons came back with the main, beef! When they slid it under for Beast boy she could hear he was about to puke, she slid her spoon under the slot before it closed, she could see him slightly. "Can I skip this dish?" he asked. They joker looked up at the wall, "Why would you skip the main, it's not poisoned!" he laughed. "To me it is, I'm vegetarian!" the joker just shrugged and continued to eat. "Why are you doing this, a minute ago you tried to kill him!" the Joker family smiled, "We'd be rude hosts if we didn't feed our guests!" laughed Harley. "You guys are messed up!" said B pushing the food away. He then noticed the spoon leaving a gap. He smiled at Raven who could just about see him, she put her hand through the slot, he grabbed her hand, she missed his gentle touch. A tear rolled down her face, it was silent for a moment, the Joker got suspicious. He stood up and saw what they were doing, He grabbed Ravens hand and moved the spoon. "Leave her alone Joker!" yelled Garfield. The joker pulled her put from her seat, "Let go of me!" she yelled and freed herself. "I didn't want to do this... who am  I kidding I really want to!" he pulled the remote out a pressed the orange button next to the yellow, he screamed, "STOP IT WAS MY IDEA NOT HIS LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She yelled and hit the remote out of the jokers hands, she heard a loud thump from where B had hit the ground. She picked the remote up and threw it back down and stomped on it. 

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