Lunch Time

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Beast Boy and Cy had just come out of their Spanish lesson. "Hey dude you never told me your fluent in Spanish!" laughed Cy. B smiled, 

"Well yeah, It's like a 1st laug..." he stopped and watched as the cheer leaders walked past. along with Raven and Star. His ears dropped and he smiled at Raven giving her a little wave, she waved back. "Friend Garfield waved at you." Star smiled.

"Well we are walking with all the cheer leaders, all the boys are waving!" Raven and Star looked around and, as normal, Raven was right. Star started to laugh. They were all going to the lunch hall.

The Cheer Team sat down at a big round table next to the windows with all the jocks. Rachel saw Garfield and Vic come in and sit at a small table alone. She felt bad for them, "Hey guy's do you mined if my... Brother and his friend sit with us?" she asked and pointed them out. "Sure, his friends kinda cute as well." Giggled Becky, the team leader. Raven got up and walked to their table. "Don't look now here come your mate." Whispered Vic "Shut up!" he whispered back. "Oh hey Rae!" he turned pretending not to being talking about her. "Hey you guys want to sit with us?" she asked. Cy looked at the table and saw all the girls wave at him, he waved back. "Hell yeah!" he said making some of the girls laugh and giggle. They sat down at the table in the two spare seats one next to Raven and Star. "So Garfield, you and Rachel and brother and sister?" asked Becky. They nodded. "That's so weird cause you two look nothing alike, no affiance." answered Alex the football captain.

"Non taking, well that's because we... were adopted?" Said Gar not sure if they would believe him. "That makes seance." said one of the cheer leaders "What happened to your parents then?" she asked. Becky nudged her. "You can't just ask someone that, sorry guys." she smiled at them. "It's fine, I don't mined, my dad went mental and did some... bad things." the girls nodded like they understood, but she could tell they didn't, "He kinda killed my mum." there was a few minutes of silence, "What about you G?" asked Alex. Raven looked at Beast Boy, he hated to talk about his parents. "They just, past away when I was a baby." he lied. Raven saw in his eyes he was going to cry. She grabbed his hand under the table to comfort him, making him go a little pink. "Hey Rae did you know G's fluent in Spanish?" asked Victor trying to change the subject. "That's so cool, say something!" asked Robin to help move the subject on. He cleared his throat, "Te quiero con todo mi corazón!" everyone clapped. "What does that mean Gar?" asked Rachel, B looked up at her. "I'm so happy we're friends!" he lied, but it did make her smile.


BTW: Te quiero con todo mi corazón really means I love you with all my heart!

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