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"She loved the lavender, by the way." Miki noted as she and Miko hovered around your cash register.

"Oh? I'm so glad. Would you like anything else?" You asked politely, noting Miko's stressed look on her face.

"Woah, having a party without us, YN? Not cool!" Junichi's voice rang out as your door chimed, letting him in.

"Not cool." Koda seconded, letting go of Junichi's hand as he noticed the new person there.

"Well, I've got to get going anyway, I have to make dinner for my family tonight. I'll see you at practice Miko!" Miki turned and ran out the door.

As she rushed past the boys and out the door, they quickly snuggled back up. It was sickeningly cute.

"What's her deal?" Junichi asked as he and Koda walked up to your register. "Oh, and thanks for the marigold! Koda told me you wanted to thank me for advertising for you."

"Oh, yeah! It's a little bit more finicky to take care of, so I hope you can handle it." You chuckled as you teased him about his plant killing capability.

"Ah, well Koda just keeps all the plants anyway. He wouldn't let me take any of them home!" He pouted as he look up at Koda. "He thinks I'll kill them and waste his money, even though I know I'd take good care of them."

Koda's face lit up. He hadn't intended to tell you such a thing. He wanted you to think that he wasn't hoarding all the plants you had given him. Of course, he did really think that Junichi would kill the plants, but it wasn't the money he was worried about. What he worried about was the loss of something that you spent so much time on. He wouldn't admit it either.

"That's okay, Junichi, I'll give you a plant that you can take right home." You mentioned.

"No more gifts. We'll pay." Koda immediately responded.

"You mean you'll pay, right money-bags Moruyu?" Miko laughed, causing you to laugh.

"No, I'll pay! I have my allowance." Junichi corrected her. "I don't make Koko pay for everything."

The whole crew grew silent. Did you all hear that correctly? Is Junichi's nickname for Koda, Koko? Like the gorilla? Like a pet poodle? Like Chanel?

"Nichi-Chibi." Koda shot back, blood drained from his face.

Then, everyone broke out into raucous laughter.

"I can't believe you guys have such cute nicknames for each other!" You laughed until tears streamed down your face.

"Yeah, where's our nicknames? You guys are the best at coming up with them!" Miko howled in laughter. "Can I be Koko number two?"

"Don't you mean Kiki? What about Mimi?" You teased her as she leaned towards you.

"Your name doesn't even have good nicknames, YN!" Miko teased back.

"Noooo, I need one! Come on, someone think of one!" You begged, smiling

"Flower girl?" Junichi offered as he chuckled, calming down.

"No, that sucks!" Miko scolded him. "It's gotta be cuter."

"Rosie-Posy." Koda's voice rang true and once again everyone stopped laughing.

"That's... that's pretty good." Miko noted.

"That was quick, Koda" Junichi gave him a weird look. "What even is a posy?"

"A posy is actually just a bundle of flowers, usually sweet smelling. They were used during the black plague as a bogus way to ward off the sickness as well as just mask the smell of death and decay that was everywhere. So you could have a posy of roses, if you wanted." you responded back.

"You're pretty smart, Rosie-Posy." Miko snickered. "I thought sniffing flowers all day might decay your brain."

"Why you--!"

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant