Four-Leafed Clover

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"It's so hot out today..." You mumbled to yourself as you took a seat in the stands. After having wished Akira, Miki and Miko good luck on their race, giving Miko a four-leaf clover for luck and being unable to find Koda, you decided it would be best to simply take your place.

You took a swig of water and tuned in to what the presenters were saying.

"And now, I pass the baton to Ryo and the first Japanese to break the 10-second barrier, for a conversation with another phenom, the track-and-field superstar Koda."

You cheered for Koda, who had texted you his apologies for not being able to come see you. You were excited to see all your friends run; despite the fact that you couldn't imagine why running would be so much fun or draw this big of a crowd.

"When I see you run, I feel like I'm watching a creature that's not human." The blonde boy spoke to Koda, who looked like he wasn't in a good mood either.

He had texted you just in the last half-hour and it didn't sound like he was doing too good.

Koda: Tell me you love me. I need to hear it. I'm trying so hard to hold the demon

YN: I love you!!!

Koda: Tell me that we're okay. That I'm not defiling Junichi's memory by being with you...

YN: No, I don't think you are. Don't worry about it right now, Koda, just be fast!

"That's a compliment, right?" Koda asked snappily.

"Of course." Ryo placated the runner as he was handed water. "I see... Well then... how about a drink? It's one of your sponsor's beverages. Just look at the camera and take a sip."

Koda sighed in annoyance but drank the water.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The announcer had a devilish look on his face, which made you frown. Why was he so creepy?

The sun set rather quickly and in no more than thirty minutes, the sky was dark and fireworks were beginning to burst in air. The other announcer spoke again.

"The pinnacle of high-school athletics, Koshien Track and Field! All theories aside, today's star is the super high-schooler with five youth records, Moyuru Koda!"

You swooned at he stretched in front of the camera. You remembered those muscles surrounding you, stretching his skin taunt as he used them to pleasure you.

Blushing, you tried to remind yourself that you would get to see him again. But first you had to watch him run his silly race.

"As an exhibition, we have a special 4-person race. A mixed 4-by-100 relay. What's special is that Koda, in the first lane, will run the whole race by himself. Let's see how four normal high-schoolers fare against a super high-schooler!"

It was almost embarrassing that you were dating-- or just in love with-- a high-schooler, but you reminded yourself that you weren't much older than him.

"To fire the starting pistol, please welcome the star of the upcoming drama Drug Lady, Ayumi!"

Everyone got set and your eyes locked onto Koda.

"Get set!"


Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin