Orchids & Snapdragons

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It had been a very normal day for you at work. No one had come in and no one had bought anything. After all, who wanted to visit a greenhouse known as "the nursery watered by tears"? It wasn't that your garden did anything in particular to upset people, but it was a quiet, serene place that people often felt they could let their true feelings show.

The job of the day for you was to soak your orchids. The few people who did come in and purchase a plant often came for these spectacular specimens. Yours in particular, were of special beauty. Perhaps it was your delicate touch, but your orchids kept blooms longer than any other in the city.

"I suppose it will be slow today too." You spoke gently to your flowers. "But that's okay. I like it when its quiet."

That was when the entrance bell rang.

"Hello?" You called out to the customer.

"Hey, YN. How are the flowers today?" they inquired as they walked up to you.

"Kuroda! How are you today? I would say the flowers are enjoying the sunshine." You smiled at your friend and repeat customer.

"Please, can't you just call me Miki? We've certainly known each other long enough. I don't call you LN." She begged. Secretly, she didn't care what you called her, as long as it wasn't Miko.

"Fine, fine. How are you today, Miki?"

"I'm okay school's starting up again soon, I can't believe you won't be there!"

"Trust me, I am very happy about that. Now, what can I get for you?"

"I can't just come over to see my friend?"

"Well, you usually end up with flowers anyway when you do come. Snapdragons?"

"You know me so well. Alright, talk with me while you show me to the snapdragons." Miki chuckled and held out her hand to you. She had always found you pretty cute and loved spending time with you, but you were nothing compared to the other Miki. Miko, as most people called her, was in love with Miki. But at the same time, she was jealous beyond belief. So, her time in this garden came to be a reprieve for her.

"Do you remember when I first found you here, Miki?" You asked, as you accepted her hand and walked towards her favorite flower.

"Of course. I was crying in the snapdragons when you came over and alerted me that tears are not a suitable source of water for plants."

You chuckled. You were quite strict about your plants.

"But I wasn't entirely heartless. I remembered you from being a track star on my old school's team. So, I just asked you what was wrong."

"And I never told you. Instead I was so embarrassed that I bought the closest plant to me and left."

"You know, you still haven't told me what was wrong." You admitted.

Miko grinned sheepishly. She didn't want to tell you about Miki. That would bring the outside world into this little haven, and she just couldn't do that. "Well maybe another day." She relinquished your hand and began inspecting the plants in front of her.

Then, the bell rang once again.

Huh. How odd. Two customers at once. You decided to call out to them.


Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن