Chapter 25 Continued

Start from the beginning

Group 1 was the quietest group of the bunch, Rob watched over his sister with great care and concern for her, she tossed a few times now which made the suggestion that she was just sleeping now 'it'd be best just to let her rest' Rob thought as he watched over her, glancing around at the others from time to time, he wondered how they could all talk like this even after everything that had happened, maybe he was over reacting, maybe he wasn't, Rob wasn't sure. "They all just seem to be able to act like nothing happened . . . . maybe I'm just over reacting . . . . is it natural for this to happen? To be worried about a sibling . . Heh . . . It's weird, I've spent most of my life hating her, now here I am worrying over here like she'll be the next sleeping beauty" Rob chuckled softly to himself as he looked over at her, Amelias face scrunched up slightly as if to show her dream was getting worse 'w-well it's only been . . . 20 minutes . . . . sh-she'll be fine' "o-of course she will" the Hawlucha assured himself quietly, a hint if nervousness was heard in his voice. "A-amelia will . . . . Amelia will be . . . . Amelia?" Rob looked over at her in surprise, she seemed to show even more signs on consiousness, one sign was that her eyes were open now " . . . what? What is it? . ." the Meowstick asked softly as she put her hands against the floor and pushed herself up, she didn't get long by herself though as she was very quickly swept up into a hug "w-what the hell has gotten into-" "just shut up okay . . ." Rob spoke as he held her tightly, she eventually lifted her arms and returned the hug, after accepting the hug she felt something hit her back, something wet? "Rob . . . you okay . . " Amelia asked while she tried to look at her brother, he had her locked in place with his hug "don't you ever try that again, you hear me" Rob ordered sturnly while he sniffed loudly after his sentence "what? . . . . try what? Rob what are you talking about?" Amelia asked honestly as she continued to hugged her brother, he didn't respond he just kept on hugging her. Everyone else was looking over at them, not wanting to go over and ruin their moment together, Tom was hesitant about not going over to apologise but he was talked down by George and he agreed to not go. After their tight embrace Rob announced that he was taking Amelia home "sure she's awake but we don't know if she'll stay conscious or not so I'm taking her home to be safe" Rob helped Amelia up and began walking with her, soon being tailed by Tom for obvious reasons, Chloe also took her leave along with Patrick, James and Nathan, group 3 said they were going to train and Chloe asked to join them. This left Gabriel, George and group 4, although the other two were in the midst of a game, too busy to notice them "well looks like everyone is busy doing their own thing again" George sighed, not in sadness but in relief "makes my job as leader easier" "wait your the leader" George looked confused at first but then realized "oh yeah, I didn't tell you that . . . . well as you do know I was the first one to change-" "you were?!?!" 'I guess that's two things I didn't tell him' "well yes I was, and your the last person to have changed recently . . . right?" the chesnaught hoped that the small sense of doubt in stomach was just his lunch not sitting well "well I haven't seen any new pokenoids, well then again, they are kind of hard to tell apart from normal pokemon" Gabriel admitted as he scratched behind his ear, while he was scratching his ears the pair of them twitched suddenly, surprising him and causing him to nearly loose his balance "what was that about" George asked in surprise, as he turned to face Gabriel fully "I think I heard something . . . . . wait no not something . . someone . . ." the Sylveon spoke quietly, concentrating as he tried to hear for the noise again. More twitching followed as he picked up the sound " . . . footsteps . . . . behind me" he rotated himself and looked out with confidence, without a doubt people were arriving to the arena that Jack had made. A group of 5 kids, all boys around the same age as them, came waltzing in acting all tough and looking around liked they owned the place, or were trying to at least, the leader (the one at the front) seemed to be going for the cool and calm attitude, carefree and couldn't care less if you threw a fist at them, the other four were (trying their best) to look menacing and rude. They split into 2 groups and headed in different directions, the group of 3 went other to Heiwa and Jack while the leader and another kid waltzed up to George and Gabriel "are you'z the ones who owns this place" the leader said with the worst tough guy accent anyone could ever imagine, George and Gabriel looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and kept talking like usual "so anyways, how are you adjusting to the town, you came from . . . Kalos right?" Gabriel nodded "yeah, it was big, too big for my mum and Patches liking, they both prefer the quiet town, small community li-" "HEY . . . I am talking to you!" The leader shouted, with the intent if scaring the two pokenoids into listening, George huffed in annoyance and Gabriel pinched the area between his eyes as they both turned to face the two "you know being polite will get you much further in a conversation th-" "oh will you shut up, I'll be doing the talking here" the leader demanded, the Chesnaught rolled his eyes "very well . . . what do y-" "this here turf" George looked around confused as the leader did his best to look intimidating, by that I mean he scrunched up his face and frowned, 'turf? What turf, there's no turf here only . . . oh' "oooooohhhh, you mean you want the battle ground" the leader looked angry while his subordinate tried to look intimidating like his leader did, by repeating what the other guy did "yes I mean I want this place, now hand it over, or we'll take it by force" the leader took a step forward and pulled his hands into fists and threw them together, showing that he would fight for this place. Gabriel looked concerned when the threat of a fight came to mind, he couldn't fight let alone use any moves, but that fear quickly changed to confusion as the chesnaught beside him did something odd. George just started to chuckle, very softly but then growing in loudness, this caused the leader to look angrily at the chesnaught "you think this is funny tough guy?!" The leaded asked as he stepped up to face George, the kid didn't even come up to his shoulders, even without his shell on he'd still be taller than this guy, George just started laughing when he realised that he could easily take the leader on "you got a death wish or something" the leader spoke intimidatingly, while his silent subordinate drew his finger across his neck while still trying to look scary, now Gabriel was chuckling too, this guy was a joke to them, as horrible as it seemed they couldn't help but laugh. "That's it were throwing down right here right now!" The leader demanded and threw a fist outward to punch George in the stomach, the Chesnaught stood there happily and took the hit. When it collided however George wasn't the one in pain though, leader was. He brought his fist back in pain as he held back tears "w-what is up with this freak" he went to throw another, the fist landed in the same place and he drew his back in pain once again, this time yelling words that are not welcome in a school environment "oh go on, I'm sure that this tough guy persona will last a lot longer if you keep hitting me, either that or you'll break you hand, but trust me when I say this. One of those two things is getting broken right here . . . right now . ." now the chesnaught was being the intimidating one, closing the distance between them and looking him dead in the eyes with a blank face that showed that what he said was serious, he was being much more successful at it than the leader and his little goonie gang were. It was at this moment that the leader turned tail and run, soon followed by his subordinate, both had the look of terror in their eyes, the other group of 3 also turned tail and ran along with them.

A sudden change, a Pokèmon transformation seriesWhere stories live. Discover now