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(A/N: sorry Edmund's is so much longer than the other two. I got slightly carried away :) )


He watched as a young girl was about to be executed. He knew she was completely innocent but declared for the execution to happen regardless. The executioner was about to do 'the deed' when he stopped them. He thought he was going to let her live but instead he wanted to execute her himself. He held the axe and drew one hard sharp blow to her neck cutting off her head. He watched as the blood rushed out and a voice began to speak to him.

"I knew you would become like me eventually." Caspian's uncle whispered into his ear.

               Caspian woke up from his nightmare, sweat dripping down his face and onto his body. He was panting heavily as he soon realized what just happened.

"It's okay Casp, it was only a nightmare. You're okay. I'm here now" You comforted him knowing that he was having another nightmare about his Uncle. Caspian rested his head on top of you as he laid back down. His breathing finally stabilized and ran your fingers through his hair.

"I love you Caspian. I would never let you become like him." You said reassuring him.

"I love you too Y/N" He said back and you fell asleep in each others arms.


He was stood on a cliff separated by a river. The fall was a long way down and no one would be able to survive if they were to fall. He looked over to the other side and realized his siblings were over there. Edmund, Susan, Lucy.  That's when he saw a man in a black cape holding a dagger come up behind them.  He tried to shout and warn them but they couldn't hear him. He just wanted to protect them as he had promised but it was impossible. He watched as the man slit each of their throats one by one. He was useless and he had failed to protect his family.

                   Peter woke up almost traumatized. His body was sweaty but he wasn't out of breath or saying anything at all. Even in your sleep you could tell when something was wrong with Peter, he was your soulmate. You woke from your sleep to find Peter like this. You hated to see him this way as he is so precious to you. You pulled him close to you, you know Peter is far too stubborn to tell you about what happened and that he prefers not to talk about it. You lay in silence as it spoke very clearly for each other. You fell asleep holding him tight in your arms, you knew you would have him close to you forever.


He was with Jadis, she was trying to convince him to betray you. She offered him everything he could ever want but it was his fear of her that made him give in.

"She doesn't love you." Jadis repeated over and over making him listen to the only words that could ever break his heart.

"Just tell me where she is, i'll take care of her." Jadis chuckled as she tortured his poor heart. He was so afraid of becoming the traitor he once was, his worse fear was hurting you.

"JUST TELL ME!" She screamed causing him to flinch.

"Okay, she's in..." He knew he had betrayed you.

                Edmund tossed and turned sweating uncontrollably, although his eyes were shut tears poured from them.

"NO! nO, No. DoN'T hUrT hEr" he mumbled as he was stuck in this nightmare unable to wake. You could hear the cries of Edmund in your sleep and instantly woke up to help him. You knew how bad his nightmares could get, sometimes he would tell you about them and you wondered how he coped with them but other times he kept them to himself because they hurt him too much to talk about.

"Edmund wake up." You whispered, shaking his body and waking him from his terrors.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want to tell her" He whined tears threatened to fall from his eyes but he held them back.

"You didn't baby, it's okay. It was just a dream. I'm with you always and nothing will change that." You whispered to him whilst rocking back and forward with his head on your lap as you sat up in the bed.

"Please don't leave me, not ever" he said feeling slightly more comforted.

"Not in my wildest dreams, i wouldn't even if you wanted me to." You  replied falling asleep knowing you would always have each other.

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