Chapter 1

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Jimin came up to me," What do you mean PD Nim I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong," I interrupted," I knew I shouldn't have trusted you people. The moment I found out what you were doing to know what it doesn't even matter."

At the right moment the doctor came into the waiting room. "We finished the procedure and the patient is doing well except....", the doctor hesitated. "Except what?" I questioned.

"Except that he is currently in a coma. It's not from the procedure it's just that the patient doesn't want to wake up. In order for that to happen in the first place he must have seen, heard, or even read something that triggered his mind into that state." The doctor explained.

"Now as for the reason on why he won't wake up, it's like his brain wants to protect him from the outside world. So it created a reality for him that he would enjoy, one that would keep him safe. That's the downside of the coma." The doctor said with a slight frown.

"The good thing is he can still hear." the doctor said with a smile to bring hope into the situation.

"What good will hearing do if he wont wake up?" I asked confused and frustrated as to what that had to do with this situation.

"Since he can still hear you could bring a close friend or a relative of his. A voice he hasn't heard in a long time. If you could do that it could bring him out of the coma."

"Now would you all like to see the patient?"

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