basically, i'm afraid of everything but especially this.

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"The fear of emotional attachment; the fear on being in, or falling in love."


Why is it when that

You think you have everything figured out,

Somehow everything goes the complete opposite way you had planned?


Red flows from my heart into my arteries down to my hands where they meet up to yours

And somehow the color escapes the cage of our fingers intertwined and crawls up to my cheeks to show the world how I feel inside.

I think it's kinda funny how my stomach could mimic the earbuds we use to share the music with

It ties itself into knots and with every moment passing, gets tighter and tighter it's harder to breathe

Could you open up a window, please?

I need to take a chill pill,

Having to smile and wipe off the sweat
Because it's like... one hundred degrees outside

Or that's what it feels like

Maybe it's just me

Maybe it's my heart racing and my limbs that go numb

Which are all side effects of your smile.

Take me under your wing, little darling

Show me your favorite things and tell me why.

The smell of your hands has held onto my clothes

I can't say I like it
(But it's true, I really like the smell of you).

Isn't that weird? In some way this is sweet and somewhat serene

But I guess the only thing left for me is

"Don't leave."

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