inter-dimensional portal leading to a morning coffee

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I never saw just how beautiful the sun rise was.
It could capture my soul in a jar,
Throw it into a portal of nothingness and disastrous days.
By the way,
Have you notice how time can fly by?
Now I'm admiring the sunset,
And the wonderful waves crash up on land.
I can't wait for the sunrise to come back up again.
This time, I'll have a cup of coffee so I don't fall asleep watching
The stars start to disappear
The moon melting away to let the sun take it's place
How colorful the sky could be,
As people just describe is just as blue
Maybe gray,
But never as you.
Oh, my darling.
Watch the sunrise with me,
Have a cup of coffee
And close your eyes to dream.


//reminder: listen to your last reminders.

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