Their Return - Chapter Twelve - Goodbyes

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I stood to the side of a oak tree as Caspian addressed his people

"Narnia belongs to the Narnian's, just as it does to man. Any Telmarines who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to but for any of you who wish. Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers."

"It's been generations since we left Telmar " A citizen said

"We're not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors were seafaring brigands. Pirates running round on a island, there they found a cave a rare chasm that brought them here from their world. The same world as our Kings and Queens" we all looked at each other.

"It is to that world I can return you. It's is a good as any place for those who wish to make a new start" People talked between them selves

"I will go" it was General Glozelle "I will accept the offer" he came forward

"So will we" Caspian's aunt and her father and son took the offer. Making their way to the front the stopped at Aslan.

"Because you have spoken first your life there shall be good" he breathed on them and behind us the tree turned and created a door way. People were astonished , the three of them walked on and disappeared.

"How do we know he is not leading us to our death."

"Sire if my example can be of any service i will take 11 mice through with no delay" Peter looked at me and Susan before taking my hand

"We'll go" Peter stepped forward

"We will?" Edmund asked I bit my lip I was having to go through this again and it would kill me.

"Yeah. After all we are not needed here anymore" Peter lead us over to Caspian and took off his sword handing it to him

"I will take care of it till your return" he grasped it.

"That's just it. They won't be returning"  I told him he looked at me.

"We won't?" I looked back at my two youngest.

"You two will but Peter and Susan won't" i informed her

"Why have they done something wrong?" she asked Aslan

"Quite the opposite dear one. Your brother and sister have learnt all they can from this world. Now it's time for them to live in their own"

"What about you Izzy" Edmund asked I gulped and went over to them.

"Unlike you I can't live in that world anymore... I have stay here...without you"

"What do you mean" Lucy asked i looked at her and bent down to her level holding her cheek in my hand.

"My life has ended I've fallen asleep and gone up to the stars" I smiled "Well a part me has. Aslan has saved me by letting me live the life I could never have there, here"

"You mean..." she trailed off I nodded. She hugged me tight and the others followed

"But hey just because I'm gone there doesn't mean I have forever.  Look up to the sky's and pick a star the first one you pick I shall be. Talk to me anytime and I will try to help okay"  I hugged Edmund first then Lucy, Followed by Susan and finally Peter

"No more fighting promise"

"Promise" he looked over my shoulder and took my hand as the others went to say their goodbyes

"Look after her" he told Caspian as he give him my hand

"I swear on my life" Caspian replied. Peter nodded and went to say goodbye. All of them came back and we had a group hug.

"I'll miss you" i told them

"We'll miss you too" they pulled away and line up before walking into the door way. I started crying as Caspian pulled me into a hug.

"shhh its going to be okay." he whispered in my ear.

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