Their Return - Chapter Four - Caspian

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a/n now it's time for some Caspian.


I woke up with a headache. What had happened? I thought my eyes were facing upward I expected to see the sky but instead I saw  designs of a ceiling, sitting up I took the bandage of my head.

"This bread is so stale" i heard one voice.

"I'll just give him some soup he should be coming round soon" I heard a second I stood up to see who was out there

"Yeah well I don't think i hit him heard enough"

"Nikabrik he's just a boy"

"He's not some lost puppy he's a Telmarine I thought you said you were going to get rid of him" Nikabrik rumbled

"No. I said I'd take care of him. I can't kill him now I've just bandage his head. It would be like murdering a guest" I made a plan to get my sword

"Oh and how do you think his friends are treating their guest"

"Trumpkin knew what he was doing it's not the boys fault" I ran out to get my sword but the dwarf got to it Ii backed away feeling for something I could use. I grabbed a poker I fought him while someone told us to stop

"I told you we should have killed him when we had the chance"

"You know why we can't"

"If we're taking a vote I'm with him" I agreed nodding to the badger

"We can't let him go he's seen us" he hit me again and I feel sitting on the steps

"That's enough Nikabrik or do i have to sit on your head again" the badger scolded then turned to me

"And you. Look what you made me do. i spent half the morning on that soup" he picked up a bowl and spoon.

"What are you?" i asked

"Humph i thought you'd know a badger when you see one" he went back into the kitchen

"No i mean your Narnian's your supposed to be extinct" i stated

"Sorry to disappoint you" the dwarf went and sat back down and the badger came back in

"There you go still warm"

"Since when did we open a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers"

"I'm not a soldier." i stood up "I am Prince Caspian. The tenth."

"What are you doing here?" Nikabrik asked I looked down ashamed

"Running away." I went to put the poker back "My uncle has always wanted my throne. I supposed I have only live this long because he did not have and heir of his own" I looked into the embers of the fire

"Well that changes things" the badgers stated

"Yeah that means we don't have to kill you ourselves" I turned to them.

"Your right" i went and grabbed my things putting my armour on.

"What are you doing?" the badger asked

"My uncle won't stop till I am dead" i informed him putting my cloak on

"But you can't leave. You're meant to save us." he protested i turned to look back at him

"Don't you know what this is?" he held it up. I shook my head

"it's Queen Susan's horn it's said to have deep magic" i went over and took it from him

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