Their Return - Chapter Thirteen - Loneliness

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Two months later I had barley seen Isabelle, she had retreated to her room and barley came out. Both of us would rule but she ruled from her room. In the garden I looked up her balcony, the doors were open so I presumed she was looking out.

"You called for us your majesty" I turned to look at Trufflehunter, Trumpkin and Reepicheep

"Yes thank you for coming. Would you walk with me " we started walking

"I'm worried about her majesty Queen Isabelle" I voiced "she has retreated into a shell and I am at a loss of what to do"

"Your Majesty she has been taken away from all she knows she is used to ruling with her brothers and sisters. Now she is on her own in a different time" Trufflehunter explained

"But what can I do? I hurts me to see her like this."

"May I offer a suggestion Your Majesty" Reepicheep bowed

" Of course"

"Well I suggest giving her something to do. A lengthy project will take up most of her thoughts so she will spend less time dwelling on the departure of her siblings." he advised I looked out onto the horizon trying to think of something. I turned back to the others.

"Trumpkin where did you say you met the Kings and Queens?"

"Near the ruins of the old castle of Cair Paravel why?" he replied. I grinned

"I think I have a idea. Thank you my friends" I nod to them and they bow back leaving walking into the castle I make my way up to Isabelle's room. Knocking on the door I waited.

"Come in" I hear the faint of her voice. Opening the door I walk in and close it behind me, Isabelle is sitting in her chair facing the open door. I approach her, she is looking down at her locket.

"Isabelle I was wondering might you come riding with me" i asked

"Not today Caspian" she sighed leaning her head back I went to be infornt of her. Crouching down I take her hand, she lifts her head up and looks at me I can tell she has been crying again.

"Please, there is something I want to discuss with you." I rub soothing circles  on her hand.

"Very well. Give me some time to freshen up " I smile

"Okay I will collect you in a hour" I kiss her forehead before standing up and leaving. Going down to the stables I saddle up Destrier. Then I went to the kitchens and asked them to prepare a picnic for two. I then sent two maids to help prepare Isabelle.

After an hour past I went to collect her. She opened the door and I gave a smile. No longer in her night clothes her hair flew freely as she wore a royal blue dress.

"You look beautiful" she smiled a little.

"Thank you" she replied I held out my arm and she took it. We walked down the halls and into the stables where the servants had added a blanket a few pillows and our picnic to his saddle. I smiled and thanked them

"Where are we going" she questioned as I swung myself onto Destrier then held out a hand for her.

"You'll see" i helped her up and she fixed her dress and cloak Reepicheep approached along with Glenstorm

"We should be back after nightfall if we don't return by dawn send a party"  they nodded I clicked my tongue and we rode out of the castle.

Entering the woods we reached the ford of Beruna. I slowed down and we walked through the water I felt Isabelle lean her head on my back as we made it to the other side I picked up the speed as I raced for the ruins of Cair Paravel. It was almost afternoon before we reached the beach, Isabelle lifted her head.

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