Chapter 2

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So, you'd think things went on to be happily ever after. Well guess what. They didn't.

Things rarely did in the wizarding world, and especially at Hogwarts. The reality was this:
Draco didn't regard what happened in the library as something special. In fact, neither did you.  You'd stopped going to the library because it just felt wrong now. Wrong because you should care that you and him kissed and you should have felt something. You didn't, and that's what bothered you most of all. That first kiss was wasted on horrible circumstances.

One good thing came out of this mess— Christmas was just around the corner and the thought of going home for a while was the only thing keeping you happy.

You hadn't talked to him since the library, and when you saw him he seemed completely fine, still brooding and cynical, but that's how he was. Like nothing happened. It was as if what happened only happened in your reality.

Your life slowed down and everyone else's went on in front of you.

The Hogwarts Express was supposed to arrive at 12:00, and it was 11:15. Your bags were packed so you conjured a floating luggage trolley to float down the endless amount of stairs to the Great Hall. This year, it seemed, that not many people were going home for the holidays. The Great Hall smelled like cranberry sauce and pumpkin juice and sounded of giggles and elated shouts.

Undoing the spell and tucking your wand into your cloak, the doors leading outside opened feverishly letting in a gust of wind freezing and powerful enough to knock you to the floor. You grabbed onto the luggage trolley and braced yourself as snow came into the castle. The Entrance Hall was now slippery with melted snow. Hagrid entered, his huge beard covered in frost.


(After so long I'm finally going to continue this story! Let me know what you think, this was just a little part to help me get back into it)

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