Sorry and Tank You

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Hey guys I get that you probably want an update and I am sorry this isn't one, I just kinda feel you deserve an explanation. So right now in my life I'm in a bad place, there is a lot of pressure and stress on me and honestly it's kind hard, OK REALLY hard to deal with. I go to bed feeling physically and emotionally drained while knowing that when I wake up I have to endure it for another day, live with it another day, SURVIVE it another day. Sometimes I feel like I can't do it. Sorry I'm rambling, I just like the freedom to say what I need to here. That's one of the reasons I don't use my real name or show you guys my face, so that I can come here and bear my soul without fear of people who know me in day to day life judging me . . . and I'm rambling again. Sorry right, well that's why I haven't been posting anything. Please be patient. Till next time my little inklings . . . and thank you for all the support, my faithful readers.

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