The awakening

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I'm sitting next to a girl in a hospital bed. I don't know her name, but the guys and I found her being attacked by someone mysterious yesterday. She seems very familiar. Almost like I've seen her a thousand times before this, but I haven't. She reminds me of myself when I was younger. Scared, innocent, vulnerable, and very shy. How I know all this from just a glance, I don't know. I just... I feel like I know her, but yet I don't. I just don't know what to think anymore. Who is she? Where is she from? What is she like? Is she going to be okay? Why do I worry for some one I dont even know? I honestly, have no way to get an answer to those questions. She is just so... beautiful. She is so peaceful right now. I can't stop wondering if she will ever know me, or what I did to help her. I hear the heart monitor beep loudly and I automatically call the nurse. The nurses seem to be busy, but are they really to busy to help her? I look over at the girl, and I notice she is still unconscious. As soon as I think that i see her eyelids suddenly flicker open. I stand up and lean over the bed to see her face. The first thing I see is her deep blue-green eyes.
Her eyes... They are so... captivating. She starts to panic and scream. That's when the nurses come in and push me out of the room. I sat in the hallway for a solid half hour waiting to see if she was alright. The nurses leave the room, but one stops and looks at me. She says,"Feel free to visit her now." I almost run into the room, but when I walk in she just stares at me.
"Hello. I'm...i'm...Grace...I think," she says in a calm voice.
"Hi, I'm Jimin. Can I ask you a question, Grace?"
She nods in aproval,"Um, Grace. Do you remember anything from before you woke up," I said cautiously, trying to avoid eye contact.
She puts her hand on her chin in a thinking pose,"Yes. I remember someone has killed my friends and family. Then he attempted to kill me, but I somehow ended up here."
I frown at that statement, and the fact that she was so calm about it made me worried,"Why are you so calm?"
She stares at me again,"I honestly don't know. I just can't summon up any other emotion at the moment. But, do you know how I got here, Jimin?"
I blushed slightly at the sound of her saying my name,"Yes. I know how you got to the hospital. But i sadly know nothing of your past life. I'm sorry, Grace."
I take my time explaining how me and the guys found her and brought her here. And yet, through it all, she stayed calm. I have a feeling her surgery had taken away here personal memories, and the memories of some emotions. She didn't shed a tear, she didn't even change facial expressions. She just stayed calm.
I text the guys about Grace and they immediately came to see her. Throughout meeting the guys, she still remained calm. She said hello to them but that was about it. Then they had to leave. Everyone left except for me, Jungkook, Suga, and J-Hope.
After a while of awkward silence she spoke.
"Will you guys help me," she asked politely.
We all exchange looks and I speak up,"Of course we will. We will be your friends and family now."
She nods,"Thank you. But, if we are going to be friends, don't friends usually give each other nicknames?"
We all agree,"Okay then," she said,"J-Hope, I'll call you Sunshine. Jungkook, I'll call you Bunny Boy. Suga, I'll call you Sweetie. And Jimin, I'll call you...Chim Chim or Jiminie."
We all smiled at her. I loved the fact that I got two nicknames. Did she favor me? I'm going to say yes because it will make me feel better. Soon it's time for every one to leave, but before I go I say,"I promise I'll always be here for you, Grace. Always." And in the crack of the almost shut door, I could have sworn I saw her smile ever so slightly. And it was beautiful.

Ever since Grace woke up, I haven't slept well. It's been a month since she first met us, but it feels like we've known her forever. Grace is very nice to us, but cold to others. She doesn't accept help from people she doesn't know. She really doesn't like doing things she doesn't know how to do, and she doesn't like meeting new people, either. She will only step out of her comfort zone if Jimin is there with her. I think she favors him, but other than my gut feeling, I have no proof. She is staying with us for the time being. We really dont mind since she cares for us deeply, and we care for her. She cleans up the place while we're out, she cooks, she does all the laundry, she washes dishes, and overall, she is just amazing. She takes care of all of us even if we're the ones who are supposed to be taking care of her. The only down side to her new personality is she never smiles, she doesn't laugh, she doesnt sing, she doesn't dance, and she just doesn't look happy. She is a beautiful girl, but she would be even more so if she showed emotions. The doctor said that she has trouble remembering how to show emotions along with not remembering a lot about her past life. I can't imagine never being able to change emotions. It must be like torture to her. She has a hard time showing how she feels like me. But I can show emotions, she can't. Or she doesn't. One of the two. I just wish I could help her remember.
In the midst of my thoughts, I realized something the doctor mentioned when we last went to see him. He said," She might need you guys to demonstrate what feeling is what, because she is lost in this world of confusion. If you sat down and showed her your different emotions, it might trigger her memories of emotion back." I get up off my bed and I run to find the guys in the living room watching a scary movie. Grace is no where in sight. Good. I stand in front of the tv and turn it off mid-show. They all start complaining.
"Guys! Stop! I think I might have a way to help Grace," i blurt out without thinking.
"What?! How? I really want to help," Jimin proclaimed with a little too much sympathy in his voice.
"Here. I'll tell you all my genius plan," I stated.

Grace POV
I head to my room after a day of nothingness. It's dark outside and it's freezing in my room. I quickly change into my night outfit and sit on my bed. Right as I sit down I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in," I yelled.
The boys come bouncing into my room with huge grins on their faces. Not one, not a few, but all of them were looking directly at me.
"We might have a way for you to show emotions," Yoongi said with a hint of pride in his voice.
I stare right into his eyes and I see that he Is being serious.
"How?" I ask.
Yoongi smiles widely,"Let us show you."
With that, all of them piled onto my bed and we all sat in a circle. I look back at Yoongi to see him staring at me with a smile still present on his face.
I say," So the plan is to sit here staring at me?"
They all laugh," No," Yoongi explains," we are going to teach you the emotions. "
That explains the smiles I was getting. "Come on, Grace." RM begs.
" Yeah, Grace. Please. Just try it," Jimin says pleadingly.
"Fine. I'll try."
I look at them and copy their smiles. They laugh and I know I'm doing it wrong. I throw a pillow at Tae Tae and I laugh.
He stares at me in disbelief,"Grace. You just laughed. Like, a real laugh."
I think about the situation and I realize that he was right. I had laughed. This thought causes me to smile. I smile brighter and brighter because I finally get to feel other emotions.
They all look at me in doubt. Well, all except for Jimin. Jimin is looking at me like I am the only person in the world worth looking at. This makes my smile grow wider, and causes me to blush slightly. Yoongi notices and hands me a blanket to hide my face. I automatically put it over my body and cover my still blushing face. I hear the others laugh at me and I feel embarrassed by it. I poke my head out from underneath the blanket to see that they stop immediately.
"What," I ask with a whole lot of confusion in my voice.
RM looks at me with an are-you-serious look,"Really? Have you not noticed that we care for you, yet? We stoped laughing so your feelings wouldn't get hurt."
"Really? My...feelings," I exclaim.
They all nod. All except for Jimin who is still giving me the look. Does he feel something special for me? Or is it just my imagination?

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