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Oh great. Firestar. Let's start at the beginning, shall we? 

Firstly, he leaves Smudge to go with some wild cats he's never met before. Smudge. HIS BEST FRIEND. He knows nothing, AT ALL about these cats, except rumours that they're evil and eat bones. And he's like 'yay, i will abandon everything i know to go with these strangers'

Then, on his first day (before having any training!) takes down a trained warrior. Unrealistic, huh?

I actually think he's OKAY as an apprentice. At least he's willing to disobey these cats and actually make the forest a better place. At least he takes his kittypet values into practice.

And then he learns some stuff... blah blah blah(5 books later)... oh wow he's a leader! And now he's even worse!

The "Fire and Tiger will shake the forest" prophecy makes him start being SO mean to Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. SERIOUSLY FIRE!! SQUIRREL IS YOUR DAUGHTER!! AND YOU CANT CHANGE PROPHECIES!!!!

Plus, when he goes to the lake, he leaves his own sister without even saying goodbye! Poor, Princess :(

What happened to the fun apprentice?? Once he's leader he becomes BORING and NOBLE!!

He thinks he's doing everything right, ignoring Jayfeather when he tries to give him prophecies when Jay's an apprentice...

Seriously, dude. Oh, and he dumped one of his best friends (Ravenpaw) in a barn, with a cat he only half-knew just to "keep him safe". Yeah, I know right?

He get's 3 out of 10 because I HATE him as a leader (although, not so much as an apprentice...). 


READER VOTE - 64% agree (9-5)

Ha, this chapter was actually quite hard because I didn't want to miss any points. If I DID miss anything at all, then tell me and I'll add it :) Also, if you disagree or agree please tell me your opinions!! For each cat, I'm going to have an ongoing Reader Vote to see what my readers think of the cats :) thanks for reading, even if you're a silent reader!!

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