Chapter Seven: Plagued

Start from the beginning

Looks like they were failed attempts.


The thing I loved about going to parties was the tradition that Ryan and I had established together. After about one month of dating, he came up with the idea where we would share a special kiss at every party we went to as a couple. Personally, I wasn't big on PDA, but he convinced me that it would be fun. And it was. Five months later and we were still at it. Let me tell you, our friends and classmates throw a lot of parties.

We'd been at the party for a couple hours now, and the clock was nearing midnight. So of course, being the lame cheeseball that he was, Ryan pulled me close at 11:59 p.m., for a countdown to midnight. As the clock struck midnight, he leaned in and our lips collided. I loved the soft feel of his lips, with their warmth spreading to mine. He was such an amazing boyfriend.

We finally broke away from our kiss and he pulled me into a hug. As we hugged and I rested my head on his shoulder, I looked around at the party. Typical scene of any high school party - people grinding, drinking, making out - the whole package. However, as I looked through the crowd, I could've sworn that my eyes caught sight of a familiar glint of blue.


It couldn't be.

My eyes tried to find their way to where I had seen the beautiful blue, but the source of the blue was already gone.

Ryan pulled away from the hug and apparently saw the distraction in my eyes.

"What's wrong, Kaylee?"

"Nothing, nothing. I just thought I saw something."

Or someone.

Ryan didn't seem to believe me, but I couldn't blame him. My eyes were still maneuvering their way throught the crowd, proving my words to be a complete lie. I was desperately seeking for an answer, to see if my suspicions were right or not.

It couldn't be him.

It's only been a year.

I was shaken out of my train of thoughts when Ryan took me by the shoulders and made me look at him. His greenish-hazel eyes burned into mine.

"Look, Kaylee, I don't know what's going on with you right now, but I hope you know that you can tell me anything. I'm here for you," he said, his voice laced with concern.

"Of course, Ryan. It's no big deal, don't worry about me," I assured him. "Let's just enjoy the rest of our night."

With that, I yanked him into the crowd and we started to dance. The party would be ending soon and we needed to have a good time. After all, it was the last summer party before junior year. As I danced with Ryan, watching him laugh and be crazy, I was still plagued with that image in my mind.

I couldn't shake the image of those notorious blue eyes that I saw this very night.


Sorry it took so long to upload this next part guys! 1. I was trying to figure out where to take this story and 2. I was busy with summer school and volleyball practices everyday. I also apologize for it being so short, but it's sort of a preface to part two, that's why it's not the longest chapter out there. I hope you guys liked it anyways!

I have an important question to ask. I've been thinking about it, and I was wondering if I should let this story be a short story rather than a full length novel/story? I have an idea in my head of where I want this story to go, but with all the details and events that I've already divulged in the previous parts, I'm not sure if I can carry this story out long enough for a full length story. Another reason that brought about this consideration was the fact that I already have another plot for a different story in mind which I really like. That plot is more humorous and unique, as well as less cliche. I do love my cliches, which is why I won't abandon this story. It's just a consideration to shorten it.

Don't worry though, even if it is a short story, I'll still give you guys all a complete ending; I won't leave you guys hanging. It'll just be less than twenty chapters rather than over twenty. So please let me know your thoughts by commenting down below!

With that being said:

How do you guys feel towards Ryan?

#TeamRylee or #TeamKaylan?

Why do you think those notorious blue eyes have returned?

If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment, and stay tuned for the chapters to follow! Add this story to your reading list or follow me if you'd like to be notified of every update :)

P.S. Ryan's in the sidebar!

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