Chapter 14 - What a night!

Start from the beginning

If there was one thing that I was absolutely sure of, was that I was going to find out. April would be mine again no matter what it took, so Aiden and that red truck dude better be ready for a war.

I slid my phone out of my pocket and started to type. I knew what I had to do.

Aiden's POV -

As I drove away and left Kyle stood on the sidewalk, I let out a huge sigh. I had just screwed up so bad!

What the hell was I thinking, charging over to them like that?

I don't know what the hell was up with me but when it comes to April, I just lose it. The last thing that I wanted to do was to hurt her. Seeing her sat there, outside of McDonalds with tears in her eyes made me feel like a complete jerk. If she didn't hate me before then she would now.

Maybe it was too late to make it up to her. Maybe Kyle was right. Maybe he did still have her heart.

How could I compete with that?

I guess when all was said and done, I couldn't.

Jake's POV -

As I waved goodbye to April and drove off I couldn't help but try and work out what had gone on tonight.

Why was Aiden there with Kyle and April?

Nothing really made much sense. Obviously they had both upset her and that's why she called me.

What other explanation was there?

Maybe tomorrow will cheer her up, I was kind of looking forward to spending some time with her at long last. I had planned to for a long time but it seems that her ex is always around. I'm not threatened though.

April may say that she wants to be friends for now but I don't intend for it to stay that way and soon, neither will she.

April's POV -

As I read Kyle's name on my screen, my heart sank. I was mad at Aiden but yet it was still him that I wanted to hear from. One thing that I was absolutely certain of, was that I was through with Kyle. It was crazy but I kissed him back at first, I had to know if I still felt anything but I didn't. I didn't feel the same about Kyle and I knew that for sure now. Me and Kyle were over.

I looked at Kyle's message and sighed with frustration.

Please forgive me, I'm sorry. I love you. Kyle x

It was either now or never.

I began to type.

Kyle I forgive you but I need you to understand something...we are over. I know that I kissed you back tonight but, I just needed to know if there was still anything there and the truth is...there wasn't. I don't want to hurt you because I still care and I hope that we can still be friends but I don't love you anymore, I'm sorry.

I hope that I can still see Mimi?


As always my finger hovered over the delete button as I examined each word, one by one. I had never sent a message like this in my life, I always chickened out. Not this time. Breaking every rule that I had ever made myself, I clicked send. I actually sent the first message that I had typed. Things really had changed.

I stared at my screen, still hoping to hear from Aiden. Maybe I had overreacted tonight. Maybe he was just doing what he thought was right. I don't know but I just wished that he had talked with me instead of with his fists. He acted like a typical guy tonight, throwing out punches and snide comebacks to Kyle. I hadn't seen him like that before.

I quietly crept up the stairs and slipped into my room trying not to wake up my mom or Bob. As I took off my jacket and threw myself on my bed, I felt my phone vibrate again.


Oh great, it's just Kyle.

Ok. I understand. You can see Mimi when you like. Take care

I knew that he was hurt but there was nothing that I could do. Kyle ruined what we had and he just has to learn to live with that.

Thank you.


I typed back before resting my cell on the chest of drawers, next to my bed. Well, I guess that was it, me and Kyle were over. I always thought that I would feel so sad when I finally had to come to terms with us being over but somehow, I felt relieved. I was more concerned with the fact that Aiden didn't bother texting me. It annoyed me that he could be in a mood with me after what he did tonight.

How dare he?

As I looked at my cell and seen that it was midnight, I sighed. I guess Aiden really didn't care, maybe it was time to forget about both him and Kyle. I wanted to text him so bad but it was him that should apologise and I was being stubborn. His lack of communication told me one thing and one thing only...He didn't care.

Suddenly the vibration from my phone caused my heart to skip a beat as I jumped up to retrieve it from my chest of drawers.

Aiden's POV -

I'm sorry about tonight. Never meant to hurt you. You mean too much to me x

This was now the seventh message that I had typed, ready to send to April.

I just couldn't do it. It sounds stupid but I was afraid of her reply.

What if she told me to get lost or that she wasn't interested?

I wasn't ready for that. Call it male ego but rejection was not something that any dude was ready for.

I looked down at my watch, it was midnight. She hadn't said a word to me and maybe that was a sign. I was probably the last person on earth that she wanted to hear from after what had happened tonight. She probably hated me right now.

I cleared the message and turned off my cell. I had screwed up and clearly she was making me pay. I guess this was it...Time to move on.

April's POV -

The excitement that I had felt when I initially heard my phone, had soon died off as I realised that it was just Jake.

Hey beautiful, hope you're feeling better. Sweet dreams Jxx

Well at least someone cared. Maybe giving Jake a shot wasn't such a bad idea after all. I guess we'll just see how tomorrow goes. I quickly replied before snuggling under my duvet and letting both Kyle and Aiden slip into my past,.I guess it really was time to move forward, once and for all.

Thanks for checking on me and yes I'm fine thanks. See you tomorrow :) Goodnight.



Ok so there it is...Chapter 14! What a roller-coaster!!!

April and Aiden? How annoying are they for making assumptions about each other's feelings?

So let me know what you think? What do you think will happen next?

Who's POV was your favourite and who's team are you on? lol

Can't wait to hear the feedback :)

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