Part 1

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"Hey! Wake up!" a female voice shouts annoyed before huffing indignantly.

"I don't understand why you even bother. Why now?" a bored male voice asks the irritated woman. "She's not even finished so what good will she be?" he adds for good measure.

"Like I care." the woman hums. "I'm bored and need something to amuse myself with. Humans are becoming scarce around here." she explains before slamming her hand through the computer. "Wake up 21!"

A surge of power causes everything to short circuit and the room goes dark, the only light comes from where they came in. "Now you've done it 18." the man sighs, revealing her identity to the darkness.

"Shut up." the woman called 18 huffs over her shoulder before movement from the corner of her eyes catches her attention. "Here we go." she hums in satisfaction.

Her light blue eyes are met with a darker pair of studying blue's and she can't help but smirk as the pupils focus on her through the thick glass separating them. If she looks closely, she can see a grid like pattern in the iris.

Clasping onto the hatch, 18 forcefully tears it away, revealing an adolescent girl with semi long hair, such a dark brown color that it appears black. She's about the same height as her with a similar physique, though her facial features are more subtle, making her look...innocent like. 'In a deceiving way.' 18 thinks to herself.

"Who are you?" the girl before her speaks up. Her voice steady and cold.

"Jeesh, such gratitude towards your heroes. That's the thanks we get after bailing you out of your prison?" the young man huffs, folding his arms indignantly, though looking slightly amused.

The one called 21 glances at the young man blankly. "Don't mind 17 hun. Our dear brother is just cranky that I won our argument about keeping you. You're mine now. I'm 18. Search your database, I'm sure you can find us." 18 smiles slightly, but it's hard to tell if it's genuine. 21 only seems to watch quietly, but has indeed brought up the data she has on them.

She finds that the same man who created her, Dr. Gero, created them. Made them into what they are now. They are of the same type, made around the same time, and look similar. The difference is, that she was never finished. She can't help wonder why that is.

"Say, 21. Did Gero program you with a mission?" 17 asks, curious to know.

The girl blinks. "No mission has been recorded in my database." she replies stoically, before looking around and seeing the dust that has gathered in the ruins of the dark room.

"Where is our creator?" she asks making 17 smirk.

"He's been dead for years. I killed him myself.... I hope you don't mind?" he cocks his head, pulsing for any hard feelings. They do not know the extend of her loyalty.

21 seems to frown slightly as she looks down at her hands, contemplating them. One seems perfectly human, while the other is more robotic, lacking proper cover. "It's fine." she finally states, making 18's brows rise.

"Oh. I don't think she liked him much." she muses.

"Hmpf. You can tell?" 17 snorts.

21 looks up before walking forward, straight out of the room. "Oh. We're on the move." 17 chuckles in amusement, following after his fellow android. 18 follows suit.

They find the girl droid standing upon the edge of the cliff just outside the laboratory that kept her hidden for so many years. She seems to be taking in her surroundings.

"When you've finished, how about we find ourselves something to do. Maybe we can toy with those Saiyans some more. It's been a while. My hands are itching." 17 suggests, crossing his arms once more as 21 glances at him, wondering what a Saiyan is.

"Hold up 17. I refuse to let 21 out in the open like that. Her wardrobe is so out of fashion." 18 complains, making 21 look down at herself. She is wearing a white blouse with a ruffle and long loose pants. She blinks before looking away, not finding that she cares.

17 scrunches up his nose in dismay, but knows his sister long enough when it comes to that sort of thing, she will bite herself into the subject and won't let go.

"Come along now." 18 ushers the both of them before flying off. 17 follows and after a final moment of contemplation, so does 21.


"Now this is better." 18 nods, pleased with the results as she appraises her new companion. She has dressed her up in some high waist shorts, a white tank top under an off the shoulder blue long sleeved crop top. A pair of white sneakers are on her feet.

"Great. Are we done now?" 17 asks impatiently, earning a glare from his sister, while 21 looks around in interest. They are in a large city, but despite that, it's deserted. 21 knows this is odd, hence her interest. Despite her being an android, she doesn't just take everything as it is.

She's just about to ask when she senses something. 17 and 18 both seem to notice as well as they both smirk, glancing at each other. "Seems you get your wish after all 17." 18 muses.

21 watches closely as two figures approach quickly by air. As they close in, she can tell they are male and young. One has black hair and wears an orange gi, while the other one, the youngest of the two, has lavender hair and wears jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt.

She looks to her side as 18 swings her arm around her shoulder. "Come 21, time to meet our favorite toys on the planet." she smirks before holding up her other hand towards the ignorant duo.

18 gathers energy in her hands before sending it off toward the two. She narrowly misses them, damaging the building behind them severely. 21 believes she missed on purpose.

Immediately, the both of them are on high alert. "Gohan! The androids are here!" the younger boy calls out in alarm at his companion, who wears a stern look at the sight of the androids.

"So it seems. Stay sharp." he warns.

"Well hi there. How nice of you to drop by. We were just talking about how much we missed you boys earlier." 18 mocks, making them grind their teeth in annoyance. "Isn't that right?" she continues, squeezing 21 slightly, who is quietly assessing the two newcomers before her.

Finally their eyes fall on the unknown girl. After a quick glance at each other, the older one speaks up. "Hey! Release the girl! Fight us instead if you want!" the one called Gohan yells, clenching his fists angrily.

21 blinks curiously at this behavior. 'He wants to safe me? What for?'

17 and 18 can only chuckle however. "That's too funny." 18 smirks. "21, meet the Saiyans, Gohan and Trunks. Say hi hun." she introduces, clasping 21's robotic arm, making her wave.

The boy's eyes grow wide with fright as they recognize the girl not to be a hostage, but one of their adversaries instead. 21 glances away from their frightened faces for a moment, not quite liking the sensation that she gets from them. 'I'm a freak.'

"21? Another android?" the boy called Trunks gasps.

17 is quick to reply, "Yes. Another android. Feeling hopeless already? I think you should be." he smirks, turning to the new android. "21, I have a mission for you... Attack." he orders, making the Saiyan's eyes widen even further.

So how's that for a first impression? I hope I stimulated you to keep on reading. I have a lot written down already and it's nearly finished. I've had this up on for a while. Just another story I'm putting on here as well now it's nearing its end.

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