Chapter 5

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Sorry it's short, I know. Dedication goes out to karategirl for being generally awesome and pushing me to write this chapter.

I awoke to my body being slammed into the side wall that I never knew was there. I jumped up to my feet. My hands were still chained behind my back, but I knew that this ship was under attack. They were here to save me.

I jumped to my feet with my hands still bound behind me. I stepped around my arms so my hands were infront of me. I looked at the cuffs, which were normal everyday cuuffs. I rolled my eyes and broke them with the force.

My brother came speeding down the hallway and found me no longer bound and merciless. I looked at him and he looked at me, he looked befuddled.

"I know how to use the force," I told him.

"Father taught you like he taught me," Leeon replied.

"Yes, but the training I have recieved from my master has taught me a lot. It's how I contacted them,"

"Impossible," he scoffed.

Ahsoka ran up behind him and tossed me my lightsaber. "Possible," I said, activating my lightsaber and advancing towards him, while Ahsoka stood there ready with hand cuffs. "Let's try this again. Leeon Haster, you're under arrest for jedi treason."

Ahsoka swiftly grabbed his lightsaber and grabbed his arms. She cuffed him and pushed him down the hallway, the way she came. I followed them out.

We eventually boarded a republic ship where Master Obi-Wan and Master Anakin were waiting. "Junipa, are you fine?" asked Master Obi-Wan. Anakin continued with Ahsoka to put Leeon in a jail cell until we were back on Corusaunt.

"Perfectly fine Master," I replied.

"That was good thinking of you, contacting Anakin." he replied.

"Thank you Master," I bowed my head.

"Come," he motioned for me to come with him. "Master Yoda thinks you are ready for Knight training, and I have to ask you if your ready." he said as we were walking.

"Master, only if you think I'm ready." I tell him.

"I do Junipa, I honestly do." he replied.

"We will be landing on Corusaunt soon. Master Yoda wants you to take a rest before training starts. Good luck Junipa," he bowed.

"Thank you master," I bowed back, and left him with Anakin.

I turned around and immediately bumped into a clone. "Sorry ma'am," he said.

"It's okay, what's your name?" I asked.

"Uh, Haz ma'am." Haz replied.

"Nice to meet you Haz, I'm Junipa." I smiled and left Haz standing there awkwardly. I walked the ship not knowing where I was going in the least when I heard some voices.

"...And Master Yoda wants her to go into Knight Training?" asked Anakin with a panic.

"Yes Anakin, he does." replied Obi-Wan.

"She's a traitor and I know it! Why can't you see that Master Obi-Wan?" he asked.

"She's not a traitor Anakin. If she was, why isn't she secretly contacting the separtist?" said Obi-Wan.

"She is somewhere, I bet you." scoffed Anakin.

"Master Yoda sences nothing about her is Sith. Anakin, you worry too much." said Obi-Wan, headed right for the doorway that I stood behind. I panic and turn around and run down the other hallway. I prey he didn't see me or hear me.

I continue to walk aimlessly, and wonder if Master Obi-Wan is wrong and Anakin is right. I try and shake the thought away but can't seem to. Everything happens for a reason, right? So if I were to die right now, it was for a reason, right? I can't seem to keep my mind clear of my derranged thoughts.

When the ship finally lands, I head back to my dorm, without saying a word to anyone. I figure that I need some sleep. It's also what Master Yoda wanted me to do when I got back so that's exactly what I shall do.

I lay in bed and sigh, my body says I'm tired but my mind doesn't. I decide to grab my book again. I read, and eventually start to feel tired. I tell myself just to finsish the page, but I'm out before I can even read the second paragraph.


I wake up with the book on my face and I sigh. It's morning, so I slept for the rest of yesterday and last night. I'm still in clothes from about a week ago, and I feel disgusted. I put the book in my safe case under my bed and looked up.

Master Yoda was sitting there, calmly meditating.

"Master!" I get up and bow.

He chuckles softly and opens his eyes. "Fearful, you are."

I nod my head. "I guess that I'm just afraid that someone will take me away, again."

"Learn to control emotions, you must." he replied.

"I'm sorry Master," I shook my head. "Is this a part of training?"

"Hm," he replied, leaving.

I furrowed my brows and turned to go have a shower. I came out, changed and looked at a box that I think Master Yoda left. I read the writing on it.

"Congratulations on getting into knight training. -Master Obi-Wan" I smiled and opened the box. Inside was a new lightsaber, for me to dual wield.

When I first came here, and Master Obi-Wan was assigned as my master and he his padawan, he asked me about my ambitions for the future. I was dumb, young, and 15 at the time, but I replied that I wanted to have two lightsabers. I shook my head and laughed at my stupidity from that time period.

My goal was to one day become a Jedi Knight, and here I am... Going into Knight Trials. My mind started to do a little dance. My stomach started to do flips. I eventually started to freak out.



I told myself that whenever I got overly emotional. For now, I was finally feeling like normal kid again. Well, except for the fact that both my father and brother were or are sith, I have these black lightning marks down my arms, and OH YEAH, I keep getting kidnapped by Dooku.

I launched myself back onto my bed, feeling a wave of tiredness tide over me when I landed. My eyes started to droop, but I didn't care. That is, until I jolted back up at the first sign of me being hungry.

My thoughts wandered off to Leeon. I wonder what he's doing right now? Probably rotting in a jail cell. Of which I shouldn't care about.

I get up and think about the future. Knight trials. I felt so accomplished.

I wondered what my mother was doing now.

Dead? No, she lived on Tatooine, as far as I knew. She left my father because of his ways and Count Dooku always intruding on us.

She was a bounty hunter.

I met her once, as a small child. Never again after that. I sighed. I wondered what she'd be like? Maybe she would think me as too much of a goodie-two shoes or something. I wondered why she lived there? If she worked, where did she work?

I imagined her as this really awesome Bounty Hunter, but for all I knew, she could be a fat woman.

I laid back down on the bed and decided to have a quick nap before doing something productive, which of course, we all knew would not happen, ever.

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