Chapter 3

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"How are you feeling?" asked Anakin

"Fine, scarred for life, but fine." I replied

He laughed at this remark.

"Making the jump to hyper space." a clone reported from the front. Two seconds later, the ship blasted off in a flash. I took a seat, and then about 5 minutes later, the ship slowed.

A planet and multiple ships appeared as if out of thin air. We docked one of the crusiers, and when the doors opened a commander was waiting for us.

"General Kenobi, you are required at the bridge immediately. Also, direct orders from Master Yoda are that Anakin and Junipa are to travel to Muunilinst immediately to help the clones down on the planet."

"Are you sure he didn't say Ahsoka?" asked Obi-Wan

"No, he specifically said Junipa." he replied

"Alright then," he said "Anakin and Junipa, travel to Muunilinst. Ahsoka, come with me. Is this clear?" he asked

"Yes master," I replied. Anakin nodded his head

"May the force be with you both," he said as the door slowly shut.

"Same be to the both of you." Anakin replied just as the door finished closing.

"Let me clairify one thing, Junipa." Anakin's sudden anger caught me by suprise.

"Um, what?" I asked

"Your some sith apprentice. Right?" his eyes blazed with fury.

"No! Of course not!" I said

He studied me, "I don't believe you,"

"Why would someone on my own team do this?" I jut out my arms

"Could be a plan,"

"Look, I may have met Dooku before, he may have given me my fathers first lightsaber, he may have trained me before, but I hate his guts." I made extra emphasis on the 'hate' part

"One until I see you in action, killing droids, I will never trust you." He span on his heel towards the front

My fist were balled into fists. "I am not a sith apprentice!" I shouted

"You do have alot of anger," he replied

I gave up on Anakin. I sat in the chair nearest me, and waited for our arrival. Instead, I fell asleep.


I woke up, moments before the ship landed, hopefully, no one had seen me. I got up and made sure my lighsaber was still hooked onto my belt. It was there, no worries. Anakin rounded the corner, saying nothing. The doors opened, and a clone was waiting there.

"General Skywalker, Master Kenobi would like to speak with you, right this way please."

Anakin gave me a menacing look, then followed the clone. When he was gone I rolled my eyes. I was not a sith apprentice. I was going to prove it to him.

Anakin dissapeared into the base, and as I stepped out of ship, I had to shield my eyes from the brightness. The planet was beautiful. Stupid droids and whatnot.

A clone commander came up to me  "Commander Junipa, Master Kenobi would like to speak with you."

"Okay. Also, I'm not a commander. Just a padawan." I followed him

"Yes ma'am." He replied

"Don't have to call me that either." I replied

He awkwardly nodded. I followed him into a tent. I opened the flap, after the clone did. Anakin was standing infront of a holo table, talking to Obi-Wan.

"She's here, would you like to speak with her?" asked Anakin

"Yes, please." Obi-Wan replied

I walked over, and the clones, and Anakin left us alone.

"Yes Master?" I asked

"Junipa, under unforseen circumstances, Anakin is to return immediately. I am placing you in command of the Clone Army On Muunilinst" He said, steadily

"Master, me?" I shook my head, "I'm not too sure I'm ready for this."

"Junipa, I think you're ready for this." he said calmly

"Yes Master." I nodded my head.

"Anakin is leaving right away. I have faith in you Junipa." He uncrossed his previously crossed arms

"Thank you Master."

"Junipa, do-" was all Obi-Wan was able to say before the channel was cut off.


Obi-Wan's P.O.V.


The signal to Junipa was cut off by Master Yoda. I sighed under my breath.

"Yes Master Yoda?" I asked

"Master Obi-Wan, left, has Anakin?" he asked

"He's leaving right away master. May I ask what is the purpose of Junipa leading that clone army?"

"Knight trainging, she is ready for." he replied

"You think Junipa is ready for Knight training?" I asked

"Yes. After this, come back to Corusaunt to test she will." He said

I widened my eyes. "Test, allready?" I leaned on the nearest rail.

"Complete this test, she will. Test will commence." he replied

"Yes Master Yoda. I must go now, the Clones are in need of me." I said, as a clone was coming towards me.

"Goodbye Master Obi-Wan." Master Yoda ended the communication.


Junipa's P.O.V.


I watched the Clones ready their weapons. I grabbed a pair of their binoculars, and spotted the droid army advancing. I dropped the binoculars in horror. In the midst of the whole army stood a man with an activated red double-sided lightsaber.

"Ma'am, what is it?" Asked a trooper.

"I'm sorry. It's nothing,"  I picked up the binoculars.

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Honestly, it's nothing." but it really wasn't nothing, it was my brother.

He left with Count Dooku a few months before my father died. He's older than me, and Count Dooku must have brain washed him. I had totally forgotten about him. That's what happens when your sibling takes a different path.

He must have known it was going to be me here. Or at least Count Dooku knew. I didn't want to kill my brother, so what was I going to do? Battle him untill I'm tuckered out? Or until he's tired?

I looked back towards the army. They were getting close, I could see my brother clearly now. "Ready your troopers, Commander!" I shouted to Commander Cody.

"Yes Ma'am!" He replied to me as he started shouting and assembling the troops. They got into their walkers and finished readying their weapons. Boy, was I afraid.

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