Chapter 2

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The minibus sped at 60 mph down the motorway. Emma sat silently, trying to hide her whimpers and tears under all the speeding of the passing cars. Megan stared out of the window. Her eyes fixed on the clouds that were getting darker. The time was about 7:30. I tried to comfort Darby whilst Robert fantacially moved his arms around. He started whispering: "Mum's gonna' go mad." Darby continued to cry. "Why didnt Jessica come?" She kept asking.

The cab slowly came to a stop outside of an unrecognisable hospital. We opened the slide door and jumped out. "That'll be £60." The driver asked, the window rolled fully down. I looked at Darby in a way to say 'Give him the money then'. She stared  at me, then at the man. Almost straight away she sped away, down beside the hospital.

Robert followed her down the gity before me, Megan and Emma could realise what was going on. We all raced down the road onced we realised, in the opposite direction of Darby and Rob. I looked back and I could see the man with the phone to his ear. He was obviously calling the police. A couple of bulidings away stood a popular cinema. Quietly and sneakily we entered.

"What are we going to do now?" Megan asked. Emma was still speechless.

"I dont know. Im going to the toilet," I said. I wandered into the toilet, assuming Megan and Emma had gone too. The toilet was empty when i entered. I took a long hard stare in the mirror. I was a theif. A runaway. Homeless. I used some water to wash my face when a bang on the window awoken me from the suspense of my nightmare.

Robert was at the window, pushing it open. "Rob?" I exclaimed. He rolled through and onto the floor. "Dylan," his voice sounded releived, "look," he held out a wad load of cash sitting in his hands. There must of been like £1,000.

"Where's Darby?" I asked, worridly.

"She's outside. Get through the window." And with that we tried to get through the window once again, but it was just too high.

"We're going to have to go the other way." We walked to the exit and peered out. Three police men sqoured the reception. The cab driver among them. "Shit." I whispered. I looked across the hall and noticed Megan and Emma gesturing towards us.

We sneakily wandered over there. Megan clasped her hands together for Emma to stand on. Just above Emma's head was a window, big enough for us all to escape through. Emma slid through the window before something caught our attention.

"There they are."

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