"Help the boy get his chain back. You started it. You endin' it."


Ace led Riley to the neighbourhood playground. Lots of kids around Ace's age looked to be playing there. "Th-th-that's him." Ace pointed and Riley followed his finger. Riley scowled.

It wasn't even a boy.

It was a girl, a girl who looked to be around Ace's age, although she was a little chubby unlike most of the other kids. She was on the swings and seemed to only spend time with the boys. He immediately noticed Thugnificant's chain around her neck.

"Das Buch?"

Ace nodded, bottom lip quivering.

Riley knelt down. "Boy. It's a bi--girl. It's a girl. You can getcho chain back in secs."

"I thought we wasn't s'posed to beat girls up..."

"You ain't," Riley agreed. "Unless she steals the chain. Go on an' demand it. Say 'Bitch! You best gimme mah shit befo I fuck you up!' She gon be so scared, she'll just give it back."

Ace blinked. "Really?"

"Yea lil' nigga."

Ace bit his lip, and nodded. He pulled up the sleeves of his baggy shirt to his elbows, and straightened his back. He stomped onto the playground and to the swings. Riley watched, but was interrupted when someone tugged on his shirt. He looked down. "Eva?"

The 8 year old looked up at him with light brown eyes. "What're you doing here, Uncle Riley?"

"Me? Whatchu doin'? Thought you only read books an' shit."

"Mom forced me out here to 'play' with these germ infected kids. Talking something about me 'bonding' with other kids around my age." She rolled her eyes. "I'm just waiting it out before I leave. Your turn."

"I'm helpin' Ace get--"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Riley and Eva turned their heads towards the commotion. A circle had formed and the children chanted. In the centre, Ace and the little girl called Buch began to circle eachother, fists up. Eva frowned. "Is that Ace?"


"Aren't you going to--"

"Shush, lil' nigga gots to learn to stand up fo himself."

Ace threw three punches to Buch's abdomen, and she didn't wince. The fat girl rubbed her hands together and swung for his head, but he ducked. Ace threw another punch, but Buch caught his fist and swung her other hand into his abdomen. Ace fell back and spat out blood. He stood up again, slowly.

Eva scowled and looked up at Riley. "Wut?"

She shook her head and walked inside towards the circle. She pushed apart some of the kids and walked to the centre. Buch looked at her. "There's a simpler way we can resolve this without violence, Bella."

"Oh you want some too, Freeman?" Buch clapped her hands. "Fine, I'll just mess the both of you up."

Buch rushed to her with her head forward to headbutt her. Eva's eyelids were hooded. She stepped aside and Buch fell onto some of the other children. "Hey!" "Ow!"

Buch stood up again and growled. Eva held her hand out. "Give me the necklace. It's not yours."

"Izza chain!"

"Ace, shut up. I'm helping you."

Buch ignored her and threw a punch. Eva quickly noted that she only knew punches. She stepped aside again, getting a whiff of air and snatched her wrist before twisting it. "Ow!" Eva then spun her around and threw the chubby girl over her shoulder. Most boys couldn't even lift her up. Buch landed and felt the air escape her chest. She stared up at an upside down Eva, who reached down and roughly pulled the chain off before simply walking away.

"Uh...yeah! You don't mess with the Freemans!" Ace spat at the ground and followed his cousin who received looks of awe.

Eva walked past the fence and there she gave Ace his chain back. Riley chuckled nervously. "That was amazin', baby girl! You ain't no punk, huh?"

"I'm telling Aunt Cindy."

"C'mon girl!"


Riley got on one knee. "I'm listenin'."

"Everytime my mom forces me out of the house to 'play', you hide me in yours." Riley began to speak, but she lifted a finger. "And I need you to purchase for me, a new book."

"You got yo self ah deal." Riley held his hand out. Eva walked past it, in the direction of his house. Riley looked at Ace who stared back at him, the chain around his neck again. "Youz ah bitch."

Ace just scowled.


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