Stephan sighed relieved. "So I take it that this guy..." he pointed at Rhys. "...angered you enough to create some cute yet scary wind balls at the tree I was sleeping. Good job, Rhys." he huffed.

"What do you mean?" Akira asked warily.

"Just take a look. You think the leaves would move like that if there was no wind?"

Akira and Rhys looked at the tree. Leaves were moving so much that some of them left their branches and gently flied until they reached the ground.

They approached the tree and looked up. Akira gasped while Rhys began laughing. "You can do after all."

Akira couldn't believe what she saw. At the tree, between branches, flew about a dozen of small twirling wind balls.

"Why are they on the tree on not on my palm?" Akira let the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Don't worry." Rhys patted Akira's head. She stiffened from surprice. "We will work on that. Now try to make them go away."

"How?" Akira asked.

"Close your eyes." Akira closed her eyes. "Think of the wind caressing your skin. Think it gather around you. Make a picture of the wind ball, spinning faster and faster."

Akira could clearly see the ball twirling around itself and picking up speed. She pictured all the wind balls she saw at the tree and combined them all to one.

"Wow."Stephan exclaimed.

"Now let it be released."Rhys said.

Akira's fingers tingled. The wind ball in her mind began dispersing. Smaller and smaller it got, until the last remains of spinning wind disappeared and a calm breeze took its place.

"Good job." Rhys said.

"Are you really a newbie at it?" Stephan asked. "Elemental magic is suppose to be quite hard to master."

"She still has way to go. Well, you improve faster than I thought so it should be okay."Rhys looked at me gently.


"You are being too hard on her, stupid fox. I know you are secretly happy about it." Stephan glared at Rhys.

"Will you shut it?"Rhys growled.

Wind blew past them as Glen stopped. "Kelly's awake. She wants to see you." He told her.

Akira's stomach turned upside down and her whole body tensed. Yet she let a sigh of relief.
Kelly was okay. She hadn't hurt her too bad.

Still, Akira broke in cold sweat as she followed Glen.
What is she going to say? I almost killed her. Why does she want to talk to me?

With each step her heart beat faster. With every step forward she wanted to take seven steps back.

Glen passed by the infirmary and stopped in front of a room Akira hadn't seen before.  "We are here."he said.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Stephan asked.

They had followed them too?

"No. I am okay. Thank you."Akira tried to bring a smile at her lips but they remained in one tight line.

She went inside.

It was a well-lit white room with sheves on the wall. The strong sent of antiseptic came in her nostrills and Akira looked down.

"You came." Kelly said. A small curtain seperated them. Maybe Kelly hadn't seen her yet. Maybe Akira could still run away. "I can hear your heartbeat so don't pretend you are not here."

Akira pulled her gloves up and approached the curtain. Pulling it away, her eyes met Kelly's.

"You finally show yourself." She said dramatically. "What's with that face? Are you feeling guilty for trying to butcher me with those swords of yours?"

Akira's heart clenched. Kelly was trying to make her fell bad.

"If you called me here to make me feel guilty, then I am leaving." she stated.

"Wait!" Kelly tried to get up, only to fall back on the matress. "I really have something to tell you."

Akira came closer to her. "I am listening."

"Someone wants you dead." Kelly said solemnly while staring at the ceiling.

"I don't know who, I only know it's a witch and a very powerful one at that. " Kelly took a deep breath.

"I am not the only one she has possesed. There was someone else, I don't know who. But I think they are close to you."

Another one? Someone close to me?

Kelly looked at her. "Don't die, Akira."

"I thought you disliked me?"

Kelly chuckled. "It's true that I couldn't care any less about what happens to you. But... Gabriel will be sad if you die." She took on a look like a mother's. "I won't ever forgive you if you die, got it?"

"Thank you? I am not really sure what to say in situations like this."

Kelly burst out laughing. "What a pity we are love rivals. You could make a good friend."

"Love rivals?" Akira pulled her gloves up. "But I do not have any romantic feelings for Gabriel."

Kelly gave her an are you kidding me look. "You don't?"

"He is a friend." Akira smiled contently.

A few months ago that word was one she never thought she would use. People were just aquantances, family or she just didn't care to interact with them. 

But now the boys of S class were her friends. Even Vincent, who didn't like her. He was a friend to her as well. Rhys too, even if he kept glaring at her and calling her brat. If they weren't friends, she had no way of describing their relationship.

"My poor Gabe." Kelly whined, snapping Akira out of her thoughts.

"I do not understand." Akira said.

Kelly broke in chuckles, giggles then burst out laughing alltogether. "I don't know if you are too pure or too dense."she held her stomach from laughter. She suddenly stilled. "Seems like my soreness is gone now. It's crazy how long I needed to heal concidering I am a vampire and all."

Kelly looked outside and a few silent moments passed. "Thank you."

Akira blinked. "I did not do anything."

"In that moment when I was about to kill you, you broke her hold on me."

I did?

"She was terrified and sad.  I managed to throw her out." Kelly looked at Akira. "Do you know her?"

Akira gulped. "I think so. Her voice sounded like my old fri...friend. Her name is Edeline."Akira bit her lip so as to not cry.

Kelly's eyes filled with pity. Akira was about to tell her to not look at her like that, when Aaron came in.

"Did I interrupt something?"he asked anf akwardly looked at the two girls.

"No." Akira said. "Get well, Kelly." Akira rushed out of the room, dashing away from Rhys and Stephan outside.

She hurried to the dorms and to her room. She shut the door and ran to the bathroom.

Images of Edeline's betrayal surfased back to her. Edeline's voice as Kelly attacked her.

Akira stared at the sink. She pulled her gloves and tossed them away. Her hand reached to the sink. She paused. This would only make her feel worse.

Akira cursed as her hands touched the soap and she began washing her hands.

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