Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

He punched the school wall, as Akira jumped to the left. "That must hurt." she said and he attacked again, his face twisted in fury. "You never learn your lesson." she sighed.

I really don't like fights.

The boy almost punched her, but Akira ducked to the right. He attacked again, but she was faster in distancing herself from him. He charged at her. Akira raised her hands in front of her face, ddging the blow.

He touched me.

Shivers ran down her body and next thing she knew the boy was fallen on the floor. Disgusting. "What's wrong with you?" the boy said. Akira was pretty sure he was from her old school.

"Don't touch me." She roared and narrowed her eyes. "And what's wrong with you? All of you?" She looked at the other two who were fallen on the floor, after she made them collide with the wall. She didn't touch any of them of course, but this one in front of her now... "You came looking for a fight when I did nothing." I really want to wash my hands now.

"I just couldn't believe Rodrik lost to the likes of you."

"Who is Rodrik?" She asked coldly. Why did he reply? I want to wash my hands, I have no time to chat with him.

"He challenged you yesterday." The boy said.

"You have to be more specific. People come looking for trouble too often for me to remember. But I don't really care anyway." Akira turned and walked away, just as the sun began to go down. I just want to get those germs off me.


"I'm home." There was no reply.

Why did I even expect anything else?

Akira emptied her bag at her desk, put them all in their place and then put it for laundry with her clothes, changed and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. After fifteen minutes she dried her raw aching hands, put a new pair of gloves and went back to her room.

Her bed had its blue duvet on it and it was perfectly made. Opposite of it was her desk with two books on top of one another and a pencil next to them. The desk was next to the white closet with it's huge mirror reflecting a male figure standing in front of the spotless window. What is dad doing in my room? Did he touch anything?

"Rene we need to talk."he said in his stern voice.

"What is the matter?" I want to clean my room now.

"Your mom wants to see you."

It was like a knife pierced through her and she leaned on the wall for support.

"You can't talk to your father about it."  Akira closed her eyes and clenched her fists, while taking a few deep breaths. A man appeared from behind mommy and..

Don't remember!

"No." she said. "I don't want to see that woman's face ever again."

"Please at least think about it. She is your mother."

"She is not my mother. That woman...I don't ever want to look at her." The bell rang.

"That must be her." He said.

She wanted the earth to open and swallow her up. "She is here?" Her lips parted and her eyes expanded as she breathed faster.

"Why are you so supriced? She said she called you and left you e-mails."

"And I ignored her. Wasn't that enough of a reply?"

"You think I want to see her?" he shouted, emotion making his voice break. "But I'm doing it for you. She is your mother and you need to see her." he said.

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