Chapter 3

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"You have a new student." The principal said. "I'll be leaving now."

"You decided to come after all." Mrs Mcleon had an ear to ear grin. "Why don't you introduce yourself to your classmates?"

Akira rolled her eyes, but kept her expression neutral. "Hello. My name is Akira Rene Arizawa Bright. I transferred here from Vega. It's a city at the other side of the country." She said with monotonous voice.

"That's all?" Mrs Mcleon asked. Akira nodded. "You may take a seat then."

In the front, closest to the door desk was a guy with pink hair. He looked at her with wide eyes. Behind him was the Stephan guy. In the last desk of the middle raw was a student with light brown hair who glared at her. In front of him was another boy with very pale skin. He looked away and gulped. In the front of the middle row was Gabriel and he was grinning. She sat to the desk left of him, the one the closest to the window.

"You weren't joking when you said your name was long." Gabriel chuckled. "And we are in the same class. I hope we get along Akira."

She tried to smile and failed so miserably Gabriel burst out laughing. Mrs Mcleon gave him a sharp look. "Sorry mom." he said.

Akira copied what was on the whiteboard and and looked outside as Mrs Mcleon was explaining how to solve the math problem. She clenched her fists and stole a glance at the guy at the last desk. He was still glaring at her.

"So what are you?"Gabriel asked when the lesson was over.

What question is that? "What do you mean?"

Gabriel looked at her shocked. He opened his mouth to speak. "Gabriel." the glaring guy said as he came closer. "Drop it. Either she doesn't know or she is stupid. And since she came to this school I doubt about the later."

"How is that posible?" Gabriel looked at her. "You do know what I'm talking about, right?"

Akira shrugged her shoulders. "No idea." She reached for the sanitizer in her bag.

"Told you so." The glaring guy scrutinised her and glared at her again. "And you shouldn't bother explaining anything to her. She shouldn't even be here."

"Rhys that is harsh." Gabriel said. "Don't listen to him he doesn't know what he says."

Akira dropped the sanitizer in her bag and closed it. "Isn't this the last hour?" Gabriel nodded.

"Akira, Aaron said he wanted to meet you. He is at the infirmary. Why don't you go greet him after lunch?"

"Okay." Akira stood up and approached the glaring guy. She glared back at him. "I know I don't belong here." All eyes were on them. "But please remember that I couldn't care any less what you think of me." It could be her idea, but Rhys's eyes seemed to have a bluish hue to them.

Akira got out of the class. I want to wash my hands. If she walked forward she could get to the restroom.

Akira went down the stairs.

The students walking towards the dinning room stared at her and whispered to one another. Akira went the other way, towards the dormitory and to her room.

She emptied her bag at the desk and put things in their place. Then she took the other clothes she left earlier and put them for laundry. She changed to a new uniform and washed her hands. Twenty minutes later she ate the lunch she had prepared from home. She opened the black cupboards at the kitchen. There are some things already there, I guess they are enough for this week.

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