Chapter 8

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Ugh this again. I shouldn't listen to him. Stephan knows nothing, he has no idea what I've been through and yet....Why am I always so conflicted?

Akira dried her hands and got out of the bathroom. She opened the window and gazed at the forest. "Do I really want to change or not?" Trusting again, caring again, being destroyed again. It would be better if it all stayed the same.

Is that what you really want though?

"Do not think about it, Akira. Nothing good will come from overthinking it."

There was a knock on Akira's door, but by the time she opened there was noone there except from a piece of paper folded in half.

Main school library. 19th century section. 22:50. I will be waiting, human.

"What a nonsense." You could at least sign with a name. And it's near curfew . Who would go? This is way too suspicious.

But what if that person can give me answers? Like what am I doing here? And am I human? 

I doubt it.

But what if?

No, no, no. Do not do something that crazy. Going there is probably a very very very very bad choice. The chances of this meeting being good is one in a million.
But they still exist.

"Ugh."Akira rubbed her hands on her head, messing her hair. "I can at least see what this thing is about."
She sat at the desk and took her textbooks.


Akira dropped her pencil on her notebook and closed her books. No more homework for the day. She streched and washed her hands, after she cooked and ate.

After washing the dishes, she looked at her phone. The time was 22:40.
Akira got out of her room and down the stairs, leaving her key and was about to shut the door behind her, when a figure appeared from the kitchen. Stephan's hair was messy, his shirt completely unbuttoned as he held a mug of coffee in his hands.

"Are you going somewhere? "He asked with hoarse voice and barely open eyes.

"Were you sleeping?" she asked.

"I fell asleep while doing homework. I have no intention of being scolded again for something as trivial." Akira chuckled. "So where are you going? It's almost curfew."

"To the library. I am going to search for a book to read."

"Hmm...okay. But why not go to the library here?"

Akira closed the door behind her and dashed for the main school. She navigated the hallways until she found the library. A group of students were there, gathering their books while yawning. Akira went past them and searched for the meeting place.

Empires. Species. Biology.
She turned left and spoted a bookcase.
Sixteenth century. Seventeenth. Eighteenth.

Here it is. Akira turned left again and reached the nineteenth century section.

Nobody was there.

I guess I will wait. She looked at the books and reached to get one and let her hand fall to the side. Footsteps were heard slowly approaching her. And the sound stopped after mixing with quicker ones.

A human figure appeared in front of her and passed by her, its black cloak following behind it. Akira stared at it as it stopped. The figure slowly turned towards her.

Akira went a step back. The figure wore a white mask with red stipes on the cheeks, from under the eyes until the mouth, three in each side. It titled its head sideways exposing black hair and fox ears in dark color.

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