Chapter 2

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"Are you sure you didn't forget anything?" her father asked.

Akira stared at him, the bored light brown eyes that looked at her, the ash blond hair moving from the breeze, the tight lips and clenched jaw he had on his face. She memorised all of it. Maybe he hated her, or he was maybe leaving her after realising how impure she was. But he still was a person she cared about and she wanted to remember him.

"Yes, I didn't have to take much." She raised her two bags. "The school provides for what I'll need. And there is a school market so you don't need to worry." She tried to smile, but it only ended up as a grimance. How long had it been since she last smiled? It felt like an eternity.

"If I don't leave now, I'll be late for the meeting." He turned his back to her. "Don't cause too much trouble, Rene." He closed the door to his car. "I'm already sick of you dirtying the family's reputation."

Akira clenched her hands and nodded. "But trouble seems to love me." she whispered. She starred in the distance until she could she her father's silver car no more and went on her way.

 Akira asked for directions from Oraion's city residence. According to them her school was in Oraion island, the island inside the Phoenix lake, connected to the city by the enormous white-stoned bridge.

She walked until her feet hurt, but the school still was far away. When she finally crossed the bridge, she stood in front of an enormous black door. She looked around to realise there was a big wall surounding the island. Maybe it's left from the old years.

The gate opened slowly, making a shrieking sound. Behind it was a forest. The trees were so tall and thick they blocked the sunlight. Creepy. Akira took a big breath and continued her way. The gate closed behind her. How did that happen? 

Technology has progressed and that is all. Don't think about it, you are going to get doubtful again. Her phone buzed in her pocket.

Hey Ari,

Are you okay? I know having to change schools thrice in a year can be annoying, but carry on. Who knows maybe this time will be better. It's sad that you had to leave your friends behind though. But I'm sure you will be able to make new ones :)

Take care,


She laughed and then blinked her eyes as to not her tears fall, while she was walking down the forest path. She had met Silver two years ago while playing a video game and they talked since then. "How are you always so positive?" Why do you still support me when I'm lying to you?

Akira wrinkled her nose, as she looked at her hands. She stopped, applied hand sanitizer, replaced her gloves and continued her way.

"I'm late." A figure said as he ran closer to her.

"Excuse me, is something wrong?" she asked.

The boy stopped and almost fell, but quickly recovered his balance. "Are you perhaps the new transfer student?" He asked while out of breath. She took a moment to look at him. He wore a white shirt with dark blue trousers and vest in the same color.

"That would be me... I think."

"I'm sorry for being late. I was supposed to pick you at the entrance." He looked down.

"Don't worry about that." I do not really care anyway.

"Do you need help with that?" He showed her bag. "It looks pretty heavy.

"It's not that heavy."

"Okay then." The boy run his hand through his golden blond hair and his smile seemed to reach his green eyes. "I'm Gabriel Mcleon. You are?"

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