Chapter 19. Julissa Meets Lorenzo

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Julissa was arriving to the location where she going to sale a business building to Lorenzo when he noticed her parking her 2018 Audi a8 to meet him to confirm the purchase the business building that he was buying when they spoke over the phone. Lorenzo couldn't help to admire her curves that made her naturally thick that went along with her waistline that was small with helped stand her thick hips and thighs out into natural perfection while she was walking towards him with her sun kissed caramel/butter pecan skin tone.

"Hello are you Mr. Lorenzo Asanti?" said Julissa 

"Yes I am but you can call me Lorenzo" said Lorenzo while he was shaking Julissa's hand while he was admiring her figure

"Ok I'm Julissa and we spoke about this building that you are interested in buying" said Julissa

" Yes I did speak to you about because I am interested in buying this building to expand my businesses and locations" said Lorenzo while they were walking and talking

" Yes I did speak to you about because I am interested in buying this building to expand my businesses and locations" said Lorenzo while they were walking and talking

"Oh ok what kind of business do you run if you don't mind me asking ?" said Julissa

" I run an advertising business" said Lorenzo

"Oh really ? that's wonderful, Let me show you inside" said Julissa

"Ok" said Lorenzo while he was walking behind her while staring at her

"This is the entrance/receptionist area, as you can see that's it is very spacious and furnished. Also they are marble flooring and trim around the windows which are bulletproof as well" said Julissa

"I'm definitely liking the marble flooring in this area" said Lorenzo while looking around

"Well if you like this area, you'll love the rest of place" said Julissa while she was walking towards the elevator to show him the rest of the building

Julissa and Lorenzo entered the elevator to show him the rest of the building. While they were on the elevator, Lorenzo started to feel a different vibe from Julissa that so different in his eyes to the point where he got a sense that Julissa wasn't like the other girls that he had one night stands with, he noticed Julissa that the type to settle down and build a future with maybe even start a family with by the way she presented herself while they were talking.

"So where are you from?" said Lorenzo

"Bronx how about you ?" said Julissa

"I was born in Panama but raised in Brooklyn" said Lorenzo

"Oh ok any kids ?" said Julissa

"No do you have kids ?" said Lorenzo

"Yes, I have a son" said Julissa

"Well we're on the floor, let me show you the rest of the building" said Julissa

Lorenzo walked behind Julissa while she was shown him the rest of the building. While Julissa was showing him the rest of the building, Lorenzo started tuning her out by analyzing her walk and the way her hips moved. He began to lick his lips while she was talking and started to catch feelings for her even though he was meeting her for business and nothing personal even though he wanted to explore the options of getting to know her which scared the fuck out of him because Lorenzo wasn't like the type of that took the time of getting to know a woman or taking them out on dates or even getaways just to get away from the city life and the madness that was surrounding him on a everyday basis. Lorenzo remained stuck on her until she broke him from daydreaming by asking him questions

"So what do you think about it Lorenzo? Hello Lorenzo ? Lorenzo are you there?" said Julissa while she waving her face up and down in front of his face to capture his attention

"Oh yes I'm so sorry I think the building looks great" said Lorenzo while he was smiling as Julissa was pulling out the papers to confirm that Lorenzo purchased the building

"Oh ok I thought I lost you there for a minute" said Julissa while she was returning a smile back while she was providing the papers for him to sign to close out the deal 

"No I'm here" said Lorenzo while he was signing the papers smiling

"Oh ok well it was nice doing business with you Lorenzo" said Julissa while she was shaking his hand

"Um I was wondering can I get to know you" said Lorenzo

"Wow ok, well I usually don't mix business with pleasure but since you seem like a nice guy and you are fine as hell which I can't even front I'll give you a try" said Julissa while she was giving him her business card

"Ok" said Lorenzo while he was looking at her

"So I'll see you around " said Julissa while she opened up her car door

"Yes you will" said Lorenzo while he was getting into his car

Lorenzo started his car and drove off after getting Julissa's math while Julissa sat in her car and ponder on the thought of Lorenzo wanting to get to know her and how fine he was and before she knew it, she started catching feelings for him even though she made and kept a promise to herself that she wouldn't fall for another man after what she went through with her ex-husband and the pain she got from it. Julissa proceeded with the thought she was going to give Lorenzo a try because she came to conclusion he wasn't the same like her ex by the way of his body language and the way he smelled and walked even the sound of his voice drove her wild to the point she became hot from it. 

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