Chapter 12.Lorenzo Asanti

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" MMM Lorenzo come back to bed daddy" said some random girl that Lorenzo was fucking that he met while he was out in the club

"Girl you know what time it is !?! It's 7:00 in the morning and I have to get ready for work and you gotta go home " said Lorenzo

"How am I supposed to get home then ?" said the random girl

"Easy call one of your friends or a Uber, Lyft somebody to come pick your ass up to bring you home " said Lorenzo while getting ready for work

" Yo you're mad wrong for that. I can't believe I let you smash Lorenzo" said the random girl

" You make it sound like it was bomb shit a nigga gotta work" said Lorenzo

" Really nigga lose my number nigga" said the random girl while leaving his 32.9 million dollar home while getting in her Uber

"Already did" said Lorenzo

The Uber drove off with the random girl inside bringing her home. Lorenzo finished his breakfast, put on his jacket to his suit, grabbed his briefcase, left his house got inside his 2024 Audi A8 Quattro and turned his radio that was playing "Let's Go" Key Glock and drove to his company that he owned called Asante and co. which was a business that handled money and cases for businesses by day and a drug dealer with Sincere, Alonzo and Joaquin by night. Lorenzo parked his car in his spot in the parking garage and walked inside the elevator with his briefcase to get to his floor. When the elevator stopped on his floor, he walked inside the office and got greeted by his secretary Leana who took care of all his meetings.

"Good morning Mr. Asante" said Leana

"Good morning Leana, how's the morning looking ?" said Lorenzo

" Packed sir, you have a conference meeting today with the CEO of the company that our company is interested in buying to add on to our brand, after that you have a 10 o'clock meeting with the magazine people that want to a photo spread of the building and that's all for today" said Leana

"Thank you" said Lorenzo while sitting in his chair and turning the computer on while looking at picture of his mother Leslie who passed away after her birthday nine years ago. Lorenzo got ready for his first press conference for the day that was with the CEO of the company that his company was interested in buying to build his brand. While walking towards the conference room with his coffee, he saw everyone waiting in the conference room and walked inside to being the press conference with the CEO of the company. Lorenzo walked in the conference room to start the meeting with the CEO.

"Good morning everyone " said Lorenzo

"Good morning " said the people in the meeting

" Good morning Mr. Le'on" said Lorenzo

"Good morning" said Lorenzo

" I understand we're having this meeting because your company is interested in buying our part of our company to be an extension to your brand" said Mr. Le'on

"Yes" said Lorenzo

" So what will benefit us being an extension to your company ?" said Mr. Le'on

" Mr. Le'on you can guarantee that you will 50% of the profits every time your brand is advertised or mentioned also full guarantee to the company" said Lorenzo while showing him the graphs that the people presented to Mr. Le'on that shows the profits that Mr. Le'on and his company will get branding with Lorenzo's company and how their brand can multiply their shares.

" So what do you think Mr. Le'on, do we have a deal ?" said Lorenzo

" I believe we do" said Mr. Le'on

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