Chapter 10

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—Police Officer POV—
•—2 years later—•

I sit on my swivel chair behind my desk filling out paper work and sipping on my coffee. The boss has assigned me the Eren Dovahkiin case. The kid went missing two years ago and is last said to be seen walking into the forest next to Sopa Soda. The only thing of him found was his phone and headphones by the South Park bridge. The first person to make the report was his friends. Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, and Kenny McCormick.

The photo of Eren would not be of much use saying that it was taken two years ago and he more then likely grew to some extent. Looking back at the photo I see a boy who has hazel eyes, slightly long dark rust colored hair and a monotone facial expression on, as if nothing really mattered. Normally i wouldn't be trying so hard if this kid didn't have three of his friends constantly asking if any news have come about him. Speaking of the devils they should be here is three... two... one.

Almost as if in que Kenny McCormick enters through the door and sits at my desk across from my many stacks of papers. "Now McCormick. If I have any news I swear you'll be the first person I tell." He looks at the ground in regret and squeezes his hands into tighter fists.

I let out a sigh and stand up. "Come on kid. I'll go get you something to eat. It's my lunch break now anyway. While we eat we can talk about the case." I see the blond boys eyes light up a bit and he stands up to follow me.

Leaving the department I start to head to the Chilies down the road. The waitress walk us to our table and I take my hat off. I look at the menu to select what I was going to eat. When I decide what to eat I look up to see the the teenager staring at the menu as if what ever was in it would just show up like magic.

The waitress comes and I tell her my order while the Kenny just orders a salad. "Kid. I'm paying. You should order more. I know your family doesn't have much." He gives me a slightly angry look. "I'm not that hungry." I know this is a lie. But I choose not to press on the matter.

I choose to bring up the topic that the kid always avoided with me. "What was your relationship with Eren?" He clamps up and looks down at the table. I sigh annoyed because he does this every time. "Look. At this point if knowing your relationship with the kid wouldn't do much help. I just want to know so that I get why you care so much. It's kinda hard for anyone to stop by the police station at least once a week for two years straight."

I lean against my arm as the kid sighs. "Fine... I am his best friend and his crush..." Our food arrives and I thank the waitress. She leaves and I eat a fry that cane with my cheese burger. "So. The fact that you know you were his crush means he confessed and you rejected him or else you would have said boyfriend not best friend." He nods his head and pokes at his salad.

I look into his ocean blue eyes and see nothing but regret. "Now ki-" my walky-talky goes off and I pick it up. "What is it?" "Sir. I think we found him." The kid and my eyes widen at this facts. Sliding my food over to him I leave more then enough cash on the table. "You stay and eat while I make sure it's not a prank by some jerks." McCormick nods his head as I head over to the location.


I park the car on the bridge and I realize that no one truly searched here. We found the phone and headphones but assumed it was him leaving town and trying not to be tracked. The worst thoughts start to fill my head and I start to feel dreadful. Slowly me and another officer make our way down the edge to the stream below.


Reaching the stream a officer leads me down it till we're under the bridge. Lodged between two rocks is a almost completely decomposed skeleton. My eyes widen and the clothes on it was tattered and the color was faded to the point that it could not be told anymore. But it clearly is the same hoodie that Eren wore when he went missing. Then everything in my head clicked.

He left South Park through the forest so he isn't seen. He listens to music and keeps walking not responding to his friends as they try to find him. When he reaches the bridge he takes his headphones off and sets them on the railing with his phone next to it. Then he goes to the edge and jumps. Falling down he lands head first and dies on impact. But as he floats down we gets lodged between these two rocks.

But he didn't know that was gonna happen. If he didn't get stuck his body would have flouted down to the waterfall and might have never been found again.

"Sir. Is this the boy?"


I turn away and walk away cursing myself for not finding him sooner. Now I had to shatter what little hope McCormick has left.

—Kenny's POV—
•—Time Skip—•

I had waited at my house excitedly for the news the officer has about Kid. I had sent messages to both Craig and Tweek about this and they sent me messages back. Suddenly I hear load knocking coming from the front door.

Rushing from my room I open the front door and see the officer. "So was it real?!" I freeze. His eyes aren't that of accomplishment. They looked morbid and saddened. "W-was it fake?" Slowly I feel my heart growing colder as I already know the answer. "kid... we found him.... dead."

The officer continues to talk but I don't hear it. Slowly I look at the ground and wait till he leaves for me to go into my room. Closing the door I stare at the one picture I had of Kid in my room. He is doing a peace sign while I point at myself with my hood down. I think Craig or Tweek took the picture. Kid didn't look happy to people who don't know him but to me he looked very happy. Tears start to fall from my eyes as I stare up at the sky.

Questions run through my mind at his reasons for dieing. My phone goes off but I ignore it. The thoughts continue to grow until I get a feeling. I start to feel venerable. I feel I can actually die...

Standing up I grab the gun I have and leave through my window. Slowly closing it I go into the ruins of Sopa Soda and make sure I'm far enough for no one to hear. Pointing the gun at my head I pull the trigger. With a bang everything is black.

Opening my eyes I see hazel. Slowly the hazel backs off to reveal that I was staring into eyes. The hazel eyes belonged to a boy with tan skin and rust colored hair. Tears form in my eyes as I start laughing.

I look up to see that Kid is panicking about what to do. Smiling I get up and kiss him. I'm about the same hight now since I grew over the two years, but he hasn't changed a bit. Slowly he kissed back and I felt the blush rise to my cheeks and break it slowly.

Kid is blushing and has tears on his eyes at the sight of me. Laughing lightly I decide it's time to not go back. Dieing and staying with him
forever... isn't bad at all. I'll just stay. No matter what they try to do, I will stay here with Kid. I will not go back to the mortal realm. So good bye family and friends.

I'll be with my love.

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