Chapter 1

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This chapter takes place in the fourth grade.

—Kenny's POV—

I wake up in my bed seeing the bright sunshine casted through my window over me. Sighing I sit up from my dirty bed and quickly get dressed for the day and preparing for everyone to forget my death.

I pull my orange parka hood over my head and pull the strings so it covers most of my face when I hear knocking at the front door. "Mhm! My mhhhm!" "Okay Kenny!" I exit the hall and see the new kid listening to my mom ranting about dad again, he looks at her and seems to be really listening but then again with new kid you can never really be sure. "Hm hm mhm." 'Hi new kid'

His reaction doesn't change and he gives me twenty dollars for the day. I don't get it but new kid gives me money and hangs with me everyday for some reason. Not like it matters, I get money for myself and he gets the company. No harm to ether of us.

Running is heard and with a crash Karen hugs Kid. "It's the doll hero!!!" A smile creeps into my face and I smile to Karen. Since Kid found her doll she was as attached to him as to me. My eyes go to Kid's face expecting the same thing that only I and Karen get to see. There it was. A gentle genuine smile on his face and his eyes are party narrow with a soft look. God, if him coming over to give me money and see Karen and I get this look every day too, it's so worth it.

Karen starts to talk fast as we leave our house and head to school in the white snow. As we walk I notice that Kid is keeping his eyes out everywhere as of expecting to be jumped any second, though his face doesn't show it. "Mhhhm mhmm?" 'Hey what's up?' His hazel eyes turn to me and a slight look of worry enter them.

I remember then that nothing really good has happened to him since he came to South Park. He was forced to play Elves and Humans, he had to fight everyone, he got aids from a snake in Canada though he is cured now, he nearly got eaten by natzei zombies multiple times, then so much more with the Super hero franchise plans and Coon and Friends rivalry with Freedom pals before we merged. New kid never complained though I'm pretty sure he didn't want to do a lot of the things we made him do.

Before I realize it we reach the school and Karen waves my to us and heads to class. I wave to her and so does Kid before we head to our classes. We enter and see that we were one of the last few people to come in. Kid goes to his seat by Tweek while I go to my seat in the back corner passing Cartman. "Ooh! Walking to school with your boyfriend again Kinney?!" "Mhm hm hhhmmh." 'Shut up Cartman.' I swear since Kid has been doing this he's been teasing us. The fatass just didn't know when to not force his ego on others.

I take my seat as the bell rings and our teacher walks in. "Okay class. Today we will...." I instantly daze out as I get bored. Slowly I pull a magazine from my desk and flip to a page. An image of girl with big breast appears and I smirk under my hood. "Mr.McCormick!" I quickly shove my magazine in my desk and stand look up at the teacher. "Yes ma'am?" "May you please answer the question on the board?" Hesitantly I stand up and go over to the board and see the question. 4•12. I remember this from the homework I did with Kid. I grab the piece of chalk off the tray and write the answer on the board leaving a small smudge on my gloves when I put it down.

She looks at me suspiciously and then at my answer. "Thank you Mr.McCormick. Now go take your seat. Who would like to do this next problem for me?" I walk back to my seat and let out a sigh or relief. It was great the teacher didn't bust me. I didn't want to get sent to the principle's office today. Kid was taking me and Karen to the park. Speaking of kid I turn and see he's fallen asleep in class. I'm surprised the teacher picked me and not him to answer the problem, but then again Kid was smart. Not Kyle or Wendy smart, but probably only second to them.

•—Time Skip—•

The bell blares and I see everyone start to leave to lunch. Only Kid didn't get disturbed by the bell. His eyes are scrunched up as if trying to shut the light out and his face looks a little pale. Gently placing my hand on his shoulder i feel him lightly shaking. "Hm. Hm mhm." 'Hey. Wake up.' He jumps up almost like a cat and crashes to the floor. Breathing fast he looks around with a panic looked. "Hey! It's okay! Dude we're in class!" I gently grab his shoulders and feel worried for him.

Slowly his breath starts to slow down, he looks up at me confused at first but then regains his composure. "Geez. I would think you must have been having a bad dream there." Kid stands up and grabs his things. A very quite mumble escapes his lips that I could barely heard. "Yeah it was..." Walking with him to lunch I see everyone sitting in there spots.

We enter the lunch line and grab our meals. Kid beats me out and takes his place at the edge with a gap for me next to him and Stan. Taking my seat i hear everyone talking. It's mainly just the normal stuff though. Cartman picking fights, Kyle lashing back, Stan trying to break it up, yep. Just the normal.

I finish my food and throw my stuff away to return to Cartman to being a ass to Kid. "So any news on your dad? Hahahaha! I bet he couldn't take your silence anymore and left back at the lab!" Kyle glares at Cartman. "Shut up fatass! It's your fault his dad is missing!" Kyle hissed and I turn to Kid and see his expressions not changing but his eyes look dead. "Don't let him get to you Kid." Stan looks ready to punch Cartman. "Aeh! You guys know that's not true! Douchebag has no loyalty. He easily would betray us it the time came! He might have betrayed his dad or something! Thet could have made him leave." He puts some food in his mouth and leans back as if he was done talking. I sit down and almost as soon as I did Kid stands up and leaves after throwing his trash away.

Cartman clears his throat and cups his hands to his mouth. "MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO WITH THE TRASH TOO YOU PIECE OF TRASH!!!" He breaks out laughing as if what he said was the funniest thing ever. "Cartman!" Before Kyle could hit Cartman I walk up to him and do it for him. "Ow! Weeeeeeah!!!!!" Cartman starts crying and I just glare at him. Turning on my heel I start to go after Kid. The halls are empty like I expected and I see one locker open. It's Kid's and he seems to be gathering his stuff.

"Are you skipping?" He turns to me and I notice for the first time the bags under his eyes. His rust brown hair that normally was flat with the occasional curl was extra curly and his eyes looked a tad red. Was he crying?

Hesitantly I decide to ask what has wrong. "Is something wrong?" Kid shakes his head in a no motion and then rubs his eyes. He smiles as if everything's fine but it felt hallow and fake. He's not ok. But it's best not to push him. "Mind if I ditch with you?"

He shakes his head in a no motion and then smiles a real smile at me. Before I could stop a smile appears on my face and I giggle a bit. "Let's go burn junk by Stark's Pond?" Kid pauses to think a little bit then nods. I grab his hand as he closes his locker and starts to drag him out of the school now. "Then let's go!" I laugh as after a bit he's running after me smiling. Everything was fine. I know Kid probably had his issues but maybe helping him forget might help a bit.

I couldn't have been more wrong, and how I regret it.

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