Chapter 2

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•—7th Grade Middle School—•


"Hey sugar! Mind coming to my place later today?" With a loud slapping sound and a flash of pain on my face the girl walks away. I tenderly place my hand on the spot she slapped me and rub it. "Geez. She didn't have to hit me." Turning on my heel I walk away. Some girls giggle and whisper when they see me while others have look of disgust. I see a certain locker open.

He stops by it and sees Kid getting his stuff. "Hey Dude!" Kid turns to me with his expressionless face. He blinks and closes his locker. "Guess who got  another chick?! Me!" He blinks and doesn't respond any different then he normally does but his eyes seem a bit different. "What's up? Something bad with that?"

I know that Kid doesn't criticize me for being such a playboy like the other guys but sometimes it feels like he really didn't like that I was a playboy. He shakes his head no and starts to head off to class. "Well bye then!" I walk off and decide to skip today. We sorta split apart around the fifth grade near the end of the winter. I started to spend more time with girls and Kid... well he just kinda was around. He was there for me when I wanted him to be and wasn't when I didn't want him around.

Kid didn't really stay with anyone. He manly hung with Tweek and Craig and me, but when he wasn't with us he was alone.

•—Time Skip—•

The day seem to take forever to go by. Walking down the hall I see Kid with a girl. She seems to be talking his ear off and he on the occasion looks around uncomfortably. A part of me is annoyed with this bitch who is clearly hitting on Kid while the other half of me wants him to refuse her himself. He starts to walk away and she follows. I start hear the conversation as she gets closer. "So yeah! I'm great in bed! Also did you know I have this-" I heard enough. For sure this is gonna make the virgin Kid uncomfortable, this can make anyone uncomfortable!

"Hey Kid!" I wrap my arm around his neck and pull him down into a choke-holed. The girl sees me and starts to blush. "I-it's Kenny!" I wink at her. "Hey! I don't mind being your partner! Kid here doesn't believe in sex unless it's with the partner he truly loves!" Kid starts to blush and his eyes widen. The girl blushes more and covers her mouth. "Oh! I didn't know that. I just wanted to help him lose his v card." The smile on my face disappears a bit. I look down and see that Kid's blushing like crazy and avoiding all eye contact with everyone.

I force a fake smile on and hide the rage at the thought of someone taking Kid's v card I continue to divert her attention. After about ten minutes if this she finally leaves, uncomfortable with the conversation. Alone with Kid I realize almost all the students already left for there homes. I let go of him and he sits up straight. He is only a few centimeters taller then me but it still made me feel a tad small.

He gives me the plain face he usually makes and starts to leave the school. "Hey!" I follow him and can tell he's mad at me by the fact he doesn't slow down like he usually does. "Oh come on! Your not mad at the fact I said you were a virgin are you?" He doesn't say anything. "Are you mad I stopped that girl from getting into your pants?!" He doesn't respond but I feel like he's getting angrier.

We reach his house and he enters leaving me alone outside. "What the hell got him like that?" Shoving my hands in my pockets I starts to head back to my house. I had a night date and had to get ready. It kinda bugged me though the way he was acting.

•—Time Skip—•

I reach the meet up spot for my night date and see the girl. She's wearing to much make up and wearing skimpy clothes that made her look like a prostitute. 'Well Kid had the worst luck ever.' "Hey!" I walk up to her and wave. She smiles, revealing teeth with some lipstick on it. 'Why the hell did someone like this have to take interest in Kid?!' "Sorry for being a bit late. I had to put my sister to bed." "No! It's perfectly fine!" We talk a bit more and go to her house.

After a while of us drinking I wasn't feeling up to it and she was dead drunk. "I'm heading home." She just laughs and waves bye to me. Leaving her house I start to head home when I get a phone call from Craig. I answer because he never calls. "What's up Birdy?" "Ha. Ha. Are you home?" I decide to tease Craig a little. "Oh! I didn't think you wanted a bite of me! What would Tweek say?!" "Shut up McCormick." Craig sounds annoyed and I hear some movement in the room with him.

"Hey is someone with you?" I assume it's Tweek but maybe it Clyde or something. "That's actually why I called. Douchebag's here and looks pretty beat up. I was wondering why he didn't go to your place like he normally does." I slow down and stop moving to get all the information. "I was on one of my 'dates'. Kid knew about it that's probably why." The irritated sound of sighing is heard.

"According to Kid he got into a fight with some kid's but we both know what really happened. His moms drunk again. It seems pretty bad this time though. I think she threw a glass at him." The shock that Kid was beat up by his mom makes me stop. She's a alcoholic yes, but I never thought how bad it has gotten.  "What makes you think that?"

"He's currently pulling small pieces of glass from some of his cuts with tweezers." "Should I come over?" "No. Just go home. I'll handle this." "Ok Craig. Talk later then. Please keep me updated." "Sure." Craig hangs up and I let out a frustrated sigh. "Well shit." Thinking over why his mom might have down that even drunk I head home.

—Craig POV—

I hang up on Kenny and turn to see Kid who is gently placing the glass shards in a plastic bag so that no one got hurt by them. "So you gonna tell me this time why she did it?" Though I'm not sure how Kenny doesn't know that Kid gets beaten up by his mom, me and Tweek now very well he is. Kid finishes cleaning up the glass and sighs. "She thought I was dad." He gets the first aid kit and stats cleaning his wounds up. "Why? I've seen your dad before and you don't exactly look alike. I think you look more like your mom." He shrugs and winces at the stinging from the disinfectant. "Here I'll help." I get off my bed and walk over to Kid and take his hoody off.

I take his other shirt off and reveal some small scars all over him from his past abuse. I grab some of the disinfectant and place it on another cloth and starts to press it against the cuts on his back. "So Kid, hows it been with Kenny? Any progress?" Kid shakes his head and I get a tad annoyed. 'Kenny you dense mother fucker.' Honestly me and Tweek want Kid to confess and for what ever happens to happen but Kid needs Kenny. If Kenny stops being with Kid completely we don't know what will happen.

After we disinfect all the cuts I get my bandages and start wrapping the cuts up. There were so many that I didn't notice the scars and to clean cuts on Kid's wrists.

A Mistake | [ Kenny x New Kid] FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang