Chapter Fourteen

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Tuesday, 10 a.m.
Tiffany Love
I woke up and Dave was right beside me, on his phone. I wonder when he came home...
"Yeah.. uh huh. Alright Matt. I'll holla." Dave said, ending his phone call. I got out bed and walked in the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then, I walked back to the bed.
"Where were you last night Dave?" I asked.
"I was in the studio ma ma. I promise." Dave said, looking in my eyes. I believed him, I can only hope that it wasn't a mistake.
"What you got planned today?" I asked Dave as we walked to the kitchen.
"Taking a day off. Wanna spend some time with you babe." Dave smiled. I smiled.
"Yeah yeaah. What you want for breakfast?" I asked, looking in the refrigerator.
"French toast and those bomb ass eggs you make." Dave said, while turning his game on.
"You got it dude!" I said. I got all the ingredients and began cooking.
"Ahh, I'm on my way to work fam!" Dontae said, walking out his room.
"Have a good day lil bruh!" Dave said, still on the game.
"Be safe Dontae." I said.
"Love ya!" Donate said, before walking out. Dontae rides with Dave's friend Marc to work. I finished cooking and fixed our plates. I sat them at the kitchen table with glasses of orange juice.
"Come eat baby." I told Dave.
"I'm coming mama." Dave said. Soon, Dave was sitting at the table. We said grace and digged in.
"This is the first time we've had the apartment to ourselves." I said.
"I know. Dontae should be outta here by the next five weeks." Dave said, before drinking his juice.
"He can stay as long as he needs babe. But, it would be nice to have some alone time." I said, before biting into my french toast.
"Thanks for everything baby." Dave said, putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Then, standing in front of me.
"I'll do anything for you baby." I smiled.
"I love you." Dave said, licking his lips.
"I love you too." I smirked.
"You know, we haven't tested that jacuzzi in our bathroom yet?" Dave said, looking me up and down. Before I could say anything, Dave picked me up and we were on our way to the jacuzzi. And the rest.... ha, ya know.
1:30 p.m.
Dave East
Right after our jacuzzi fun, we laid around for awhile. Now, we're cleaning. Tiffany hates a dirty house even though the house is actually clean. She had me mopping, dusting, and taking the trash out. But, I'm glad she's like this. I can't live in a mess and Dontae makes the most mess.
"Babe, Donate has to keep this guest bathroom clean." Tiffany said, walking out the bathroom. She just cleaned it.
"I know. Ima talk to him today." I said, while reorganizing my video games neatly. Tiffany sat on the couch.
"Ahhh! A clean house." Tiffany smiled. I laughed.
"What you wanna do now ma?" I asked, sitting beside her.
"I really want a puppy." Tiffany whined. Ever since we got this place, all she talked about was a puppy.
"Now, we already talked about this Tiff." I said.
"I really want one though. We can take care of it." Tiffany whined, following me into the bathroom.
"No Tiffany. Not now at least. We're both too busy for a puppy." I said, brushing my waves.
"Fine." Tiffany pouted, walking into our closet.
"Cut that pouting shit out girl!" I said. Tiffany turned around and rolled her eyes. I shook my head, laughing.  Me and Tiffany got dressed. We're going out for lunch and then do some shopping. I wore some jeans, a white tommy shirt, and my timbs. I added my watch and chain. Tiffany wore some ripped jeans, a yellow cropped sweater, and her thigh high brown boots. Her hair was in a curly ponytail.

"Let's go Tiff!" I said, waiting at the door.
"I'm commiinng!" Tiffany said, walking out the room with her purse and phone. We locked the apartment up and walked to the car. I opened Tiffany's door then proceeded to the drivers side.
"Where we eating at?" Tiffany asked as I drove.
"This nice Jamacian place in Brooklyn. You're going to love it babe." I smiled, driving.
"You know I lovee Jamacian baby." Tiffany smiled, watching me drive. About a hour or so later, we made it to Mary's Jamacian Soul Food. I opened Tiffany's door and held her hand as we walked in.
"OH shit, Its Dave East!" Some guy yelled.
"Haha. Wassup man?" I said, greeting the fan. Tiffany smiled and watched me sign some shit.
"I fuck with ya music. On the real." The fan said.
"Preciate it man." I said.
"Awe babe! You're doing it!" Tiffany smiled as we sat at a table in a secluded area.
"We're doing it. Where I go, we go." I said. The waiter came and asked for our drinks. We both ordered a lemon ice water. And waited to place our order.
Tiffany Love
"What's good here babe?" I asked Dave.
"Ma ma, the curry chicken is bomb. Ooh, and the collard greens." Dave said, pointing at the items. The waiter came back.
"Ready to place your orders?" The waiter smiled.
"We are. Go ahead ma ma." Dave said.
"Uuuhhh. I'll have the curry chicken, rice, collards and candy yams. With a side of mac and cheese." I smiled.
"And for you sir?" The waiter said after writing my order down.
"Let me get the same but I want jerk chicken instead." Dave said.
"Coming right up." The waiter smiled before walking away.
"How's Leah ma?" Dave asked.
"She's good. I think she's coming up here with Mauri next week." I smiled. Dave nodded, focused on his phone.
"DAVE! Phone down for a two hours, please." I sighed. Dave locked his phone and handed it to me. I put it in my purse.
"Alright mama. You have my undivided attention." Dave said looking at me.
"Good. Now, I want you to model the men's line for my clothing line." I cheesed.
"You know I'm all for it baby. What's it called?" Dave said before drinking his water.
"Tiffany Collectives." I said.
"I like it ma. When's your first Victoria Secret shoot?" Dave asked.
"Uhhh, Next week. I hire that agent tomorrow." I said, before sipping my drink.
"Say less. Ima be at that shoot!" Dave said licking his lips. I laughed and blushed.
"Stopp it!" I laughed.
8:30 p.m.
Our food came and it was bomb as fuck! We ate, laughed, and just adored each other. Now, we're in the car. Then Dave pulled up to Dontae's job and Dontae rushed to the car.
"Wassup love birds?" Dontae said.
"Wassup lil bro? How was work?" Dave asked as he drove.
"Its fun working here. And we get paid Thursday." Dontae cheesed.
"You talked to you babies mother?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'll be moving in with her soon." Dontae said.
"Oh shit. Big things lil bro!" Dave laughed as he parked in his usual parking spot. Dave opened my door and we all walked to the house.
"I know man, I gotta do the right thing for my kid." Dontae said.

I'm glad Dontae is getting on his shit. And getting out my shit lol. But, Ima miss him around. The alone time will be nice and fun, if ya know what I mean. ;)

End of Chapter Fourteen.

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