Chapter Five

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Week of Trial
Wednesday Morning
Dave East
I woke up before Tiffany. I hate that my babygirl is feeling down. I want to spend a couple if days with her before I'm sent away. I made her favorite: blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs, and some strawberry lemonade. I walked in the room and placed the food on the night stand.
I climbed over Tiffany and kissed her neck.
"Wake up ma." I whispered.
"Mmm. Not yet." Tiffany murmured. I kept kissing her neck.
"Alright, I'm up." Tiffany smiled, waking up.
"Here ya go mama." I smiled, handing her the food.
"Aweee! Thank you." Tiffany cheesed, digging in. I watched her eat.
"The trial is Friday.." I whispered. Tiffany began to tear up.
"I don't want you to leave Dave." Tiffany said, covering her face.
"Babygirl, I'm always here. And I'll call anytime I can. I'm sorry baby." I shook my head. I hate that I put my babygirl through this. Its killing me. Tiffany wiped her tears.
"Whats the plan today?" Tiffany asked.
"I wanna take you to meet moms. I want y'all to have a connection before I go." I said. Tiffany only talked to moms on the phone and moms loved her. Now, time for them to become tight as fuck. I don't wanna leave my baby alone.
"You're mom is the best!" Tiffany giggled.
"Get dressed mamas." I said, smacking her ass as she stood up.
"Yes papa." Tiffany smiled before walking in the bathroom.
1 hour later: 12:45
Tiffany was dressed in some white ripped jeans, a denim button up, and her neon yellow wedges. Her hair was straight and in a neat ponytail to the back. I wore white true religion jeans, a red true religion hoodie, and my red jordan 12s. Now, we just pulled up to moms.

"Ma!" I smiled, lifting her.
"Boy, put me down!" Ma laughed. I put her down.
"Hey ma." Tiffany smiled, hugging her.
"Hey sweetie. Y'all come in." Ma smiled. We walked in and sat on the couch.
"Now, whats poppin with some food ma?" I smiled.
"You know I got some red velvet cake in the kitchen!" Ma laughed.
"Aye Davee!" My brother, Dontae yelled from the kitchen.
"And thats my cue!" I said, getting up. Ma and Tiffany laughed.
Tiffany Love
Me and Dave's mom sat in her garden. Eating some cake and drinking a little wine.

"How are you really?" Ma asked me. I sighed.
"We've only been together for around 6 months and already been through it ma. Its killing me. But, I'm trying to be strong for him." I said, before sipping my drink. Ma nodded.
"All of my babies went through a trial. Dontae was away for a year.We just have to pray and hand it to God." Ma said. I nodded. Talking with her makes me miss my mom. She moved to California and our relationship isn't good at all.
"Ready mama?" Dave said, standing at the back door.
"Yeah. I'll be over here waay more Ma." I smiled, kissing her cheek.
"I'll be right here. I'll see you the morning of the trial." Ma said, hugging Dave.
"I love ya Dukes!" Dave yelled as he got in the drivers seat.
"I love y'all more!" Ma smiled.
8:30 p.m
Tonight, Dave wants to eat out. We went home and relaxed now we're at Olive Garden, Dave's favorite.

"Babe, I'm telling you. Do not come here without me." Dave smiled.
"I won't. I promise." I smiled. I just love hearing Dave talk. His deep voice and New York accent. Just is sexy as fuck! The waiter came.
"Hi I'm Chelsa. And I'll be your waiter tonight. What can I get you to drink?" Chelsa smiled.
"Ice water, side of lemon please." I smiled.
"I'll have the same." Dave said.
"Coming right up." Chelsa smiled, walking away. I held Dave's hand from across the table.
"Wanna know something? I LOVE you." Dave said, looking in my eyes. He said it! That's all I've been wanting to hear from him.
"I love you too Dave." I smiled. My heart was racing.
"Give papa some sugar!" Dave said, licking his lips. I leaned across the table and pecked his lips.
Day before Trial
Thursday, 2:45

Tiffany Love
Today is the could be the last day that I have Dave in my arms. Right now, he's spending time with Lauren and her boyfriend. While I do some work at the store. We're not busy, just putting out new items.
"Well, someone is working hard." A voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Leah. I laughed.
"Girl, yes!" I laughed.
"How you holding up?" Leah asked. I shrugged.
"It's killing me. But, I gotta hold shit down for myself and Dave." I said, sitting on the little couch with Leah.
"I know, I know. Well, tonight Mauri is having this surprise party for Dave. Just to let him know that he is loved, ya' know?" Leah said.
"That's great. We'll definitely be there." I smiled.
"Good. 'Cause you know how Mauri get about Dave!" Leah laughed.
"They the best bro's I've ever seen!" I laughed and so did Leah.
5:30 p.m
I left work and went home. Dave was dressed and watching tv.

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