Maybe they dont love me...

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It's been a week. Collins is still in the hospital and I feel totally invisible. Mom and dad have been home about 3 times in a week, they've spent most of their time with Collins. I've been going to school, nothing has changed there. Today is Saturday and I just sat in the living room looking at pictures of Collins and I when we were little. Tears came streaming down my face. I missed all of the times when we filmed videos and went to hang out at the beach. Everything is different now. It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet. My world is falling apart. I went on Snapchat and added to my story. "Pray for Collins." I put in the caption. Everyone was asking what happened and I had to explain, I felt like the keypers needed to know. Someone dmed me on Instagram, I dont know who it is.
?: you know ur family doesn't love you
Devan: what who are you?!
?: I can't tell u that. U should just die
Devan: your him!
?: maybe I am. But Collins is probably gonna die. Your parents only kept u cuz Collins wanted to film videos with u
Devan: ok... I guess
?: I'm glad u understand freak face
He didn't say anything else. Then it hit me. My family doesn't love me. I went up to my room and packed my backpack with an extra pair of pants and a few shirts. I grabbed my jacket, phone charger and ear buds and wallet. I took my bike because it would cost to much to fill up on gas all the time. I didn't know where I was going. I just wanted to get away from everything. I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't know where I was going to sleep. I just need to get away. I stopped at the park, it was about 10 o'clock at night. I haven't received any texts or calls from my parents. Maybe they don't love me I thought. I went to lay down on a bench. I broke down in tears and sobbed uncontrollably. I laid my head in my backpack and covered up with my jacket. When I woke up my bag was gone! I don't know who stole it. I had my wallet in there, my phone, pretty much all my valuables. I think it's time to go home. I turned my head, hoping my bike was still there, well that's not surprising, they stole that too. I don't know what I supposed to do. LA is a big town. If I could at least find the hospital I should be fine.

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